UPDATE: June 22, 2007:
Even though one new PM was given to be by Umbreon Ruler to read his fic, I am going to have to close reviewing for an unknown period of time. I am going to be in summer school, my relatives are coming from out of state, and have to dealt with a couple of things in my workplace. Yeah, I have a lot to do. >.>;;
(so you know what I am reviewing at the moment)

-It Begins (Umbreon Ruler) {Note: It could be a chance I might not be able to give you a review for a long time...will try my best though}
Okay, time to do this again. ^^
Fanfictions I will review:
-Fantasy (Seriously, I really love that genre )
-Drama (because we all need a little of that

-Comedy (you better hope I find it funny and also well written too =D )
-Mystery/Suspense (keep me interested

Basically, I would review other genres too, but those kinds of fics I tend to read more.
Fanfictions I won't review:
-Cliche original trainer fics with the same plot- boy gets pokemon, boy has to defeat Team Rocket, boy goes to get badges, boy gets a rival. (The only way I am willing to review those fics is if it is original, like Saber's "Pokemon Cross Revelation").
-Romance (Seriously, I am not a big fan of romance. Sorry ).
-Science Fiction (Sorry, I am not a big fan of Science either).
-Stories that are already on the tenth chapter (Sorry, but I am a busy person. It's best if you guys PM me the story that you just got started).
Note: My interests will subject to change, so keep checking here for updates.
How I review:
Here is a little information on how I review:
Grammar and Spelling: To tell you the truth, I don't emphais on that department that much because myself, I am not that bright in grammar. ^^; I will however will try my best to spot any spelling or grammar mistakes. If I can't, the sorry. ^^; The reason I won't criticize on grammar is because I am afraid I will correct the grammar wrongly.
Description: This is where I get most critical. I will do it in two ways. The first way is I will quote a scene that needs a little more descritiption, emotional or physical. The second way is I will say what part needs a little more description in a few sentences or less. So yeah, be aware.
Character: This one I emphasis on a lot too. Basically, I will say if I like your characters overall. If I think the character needs work, then I will try my best to say how your character needs a little work.
Overall: Basically, I will then say what I think of your chapter/oneshot overall. It could be from some favorite quotes of mine from your story to just explaining why I like that chapter. Sometimes in that part, I might say what I think will happen next.
Others: Probably once in a while, I will make my reviews have a lttle humor of some sorts. This just to show that I don't bite and that reviews can be both fun and helpful. ^^
Note::There could be times in reviews I might leave out something. (For instance, I might not say what I thought of the chapter overall in detail). The reason for that will be sometimes it depends the mood I in and what I thought of the chapter at the top of my head. I will try my best to give out a decent review, though. ^^
Example of a review I usually do:
Here's one of the reviews to give you a basic idea of how I review. I will tell you though, my reviews tend to be different depending on the mood I am in.
Example of my review
A little bit about myself
Well, I had been in SPPF for almost a year and I am still learning how to become a better reviewer. I had reviewed a lot of stories, some good and some not so good reviews.
Now, if I don't get to your review quickly, then sorry. I WILL get to your review, but be aware that I am in college, writing "Nothing,Everything" and other one shots at the moment, and following/reviewing other fics.
Acceptance/Denied process
Basically, if you want me to review your fic, then PM me. After you PM me, then I will PM you back if I accept in reviewing your fic or not. I might deny or accept in reviewing your fic for many reasons. Sometimes I might deny the fic if it doesn't met my guidelines or if I am really, really busy at the moment. If I don't accept your fic, then I will say why. ^^
How often I check my PMs
I will check my PM often so that I will see which fics I need to review. Hehe, the sooner I saw your PM and replied, the better.
Fics I am following
This is a list of some fics I am following at the moment, so that you guys can see I am also busy looking at other fics.
-Legacy Continues
-Crystal Harp
-Pokemon Revelation: Cross of Fates
-Thorn in the roses
(All I can remember at the moment. ^^ )
A little thing about my status:
There actually could be chances that I might not accept a second review request for the time being due to me being busy and such, liked I said before. I will say this: when I am closed, I AM CLOSED. If you PM me when I am closed, then I won't even accept that review request. This goes to show you should check my status often.
Current Staus: Closed (forgot to put that too ^^;;
Amount of fics I will accept at the moment: no more then three.
;134;~Good night, and good luck~