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Fangking Lives!

Yes, he's not dead, so whoever started the rumor about Fangking being caught in the London bombings can stfu now (who the hell started that rumor, anyway?)

Anyway, Fangking has quit faking..

BUT not before leaving us with one little parting gift:

Delta Species Blanks!!

Fangking Omega: you'll be interested to know 193 new blanks are about to be released
Rice Pidgeon: 0_0
Rice Pidgeon: you mean you heard my cry?
Rice Pidgeon: delta included?
Fangking Omega: Delta and Holon
Rice Pidgeon: YES!!!
Fangking Omega: it's all there
Fangking Omega: 193 blanks on sunday afternoon, not bad is it?
Fangking Omega: i dunno when they'll be up though :S
Rice Pidgeon: if only you were italian, i'd call you don fangking
Fangking Omega: XP
Fangking Omega: you're the lucky sod who's the second person i've sent these to :p
Fangking Omega: the other dude's the one who hosts my stuff on his site

Just a heads up

Also, evidence to prove this isn't just a wild claim:

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Anyway, Fangking has quit faking..
Tell us something new. He quit faking a while ago.

But whoever said Fang died/got caught in the London bombings is a ****. Don't post in IMG tags btw.

Well, this'd out to be nice. Nice job as always Fang.

Fangking Omega

Who the hell said I'd died? Haha... funny what people make of an abrupt disappearance. Anyway, I'm about to post the proof of my existence.