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faraway island devamp!


Give me the GS Ball
hi people! i made a devamp of faraway island using G/S/C sprites, and i wanted you guys to rate it, k? tell me what you think, and give constructive crit if you can (no, this sucks).



Well-Known Member
That's pretty cool, except it would look better if you spaced the trees out like they are in GSC.


well aside from the fact that GSC graphic are painful 4 me 2 look at now that i have Pearl it is very good. although the trainer looks a little wierd but i haven't seen the trainer 4 a while so i don't even remember what he looks like.


Well-Known Member
It's very good but maybe you could revamp the mew. Not the shape but just the colours. It would make it look like you put a teensy bit more effort into it then just sticking ready made bits together.

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva

Sceptile Master

Survivor of the Great Avatar Depression
It's very good seeing it devamped!!!


The trainers stand in the middle, but it can't stand on two tiles at the same time, y'know?
besides that, it's a great devamp =D


Gen. IV Map Expert
Devamp the Mew
Show more of the Island
(to stand on two tiles at the same time, make sure the person is walking, which I think it is)
The mew needs alot more devamping, use the colours from the g/s sprite. It looks like you just gave it a black outline. =/