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Fast Food Boyz (R)

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I making a fic of a few guys that love fast food. Here's chapter 1:

"A guy named Greg Boner is dreaming that his father, Matt Boner is in court. He's trying to help him. But when he here's "Matt Boner, you are sentenced to 5 years in prison", he wakes up. He says "Whoa! Another stupid night mare! This his got to stop ****en happening. Then, he gets out of bed. When he finds out that his toaster ain't working, he says "Oh great. Like I needed any of this stupid ****." But then, he remembers that that means that he gets to a fast food restaurant for breakfast. He shouts "Yipeeeee! Maybe I'll see Victor there." So, he goes there, and sees Victor as he expects. The fast food restaurant is Burger King, just so you know, and Victor's last name is Cotefock (cot-AH-fok), just so you know. He gets some French Toast Sticks, but accidentally spills some on his tuxedo. Everyone starts laughing, and he says "Enough you stupid ***holes! Continue if you want your *** kicked, but if you're smart, you'll ****en stop." They then stop it. Then, him & Victor talk about Victor's date in a week. Victor says "I can't wait to kiss her through every night. It'll be so ****en good."

2nd chapter coming tommorow.
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