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Fav mecha?

Turn A Gundam.

Everybody fears the mecha-stache of doom.

Rätsel Feinschmecker

Mystery Gourmet
RahXephon. I've always liked its design, and for another reason I won't name due to spoilers.
OPTIMUS PRIME!!!!!!!!!!........bitch.

Rätsel Feinschmecker

Mystery Gourmet
Because it's organic and holds soul of pilot's mother or something like that?

Those are the EVAs.
RahXephon is god-incarnate (well, when Ayato becomes one with it, anyway). Tuning the world=rewriting reality.
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Powerplay Champion
absoloute coolest name


Those are the EVAs.
RahXephon is god-incarnate (well, when Ayato becomes one with it, anyway). Tuning the world=rewriting reality.

Just like how EVA-01's a clone of Lilith and plays a big part in the 3rd Impact in EoE.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Mine is Shenlong from Gundam Wing