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Fave Fish Pokemon?

Fish Poke?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
What's your fave fish looking Pokemon? Mine's Neorantu! ;457;


Natsu no Maboroshi
Mine is ;370;. Go Uberdisc
Naerontu is my favorite fish in this poll!!! But still followed closely by luvdisc!
I'm a big fan of Lanturn, because of its dual type.
You forgot Carvanha and Sharpedo in the vote...not that I'd vote for them anyway!

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Keikou, Neorantu, Lanturn, Qwilfish and Remoraid are absolutely awesome, but Neorantu most of all. It looks really exotic, tropical, and quirky, especially when compared to the glut of boring, ugly fish Pokemon has suffered from over the previous generations.


Well-Known Member
Keikou, Neorantu, Lanturn, Qwilfish and Remoraid are absolutely awesome, but Neorantu most of all. It looks really exotic, tropical, and quirky, especially when compared to the glut of boring, ugly fish Pokemon has suffered from over the previous generations.

Soo true! Neorantu rox!


Well-Known Member
that new fish


Well-Known Member
Though I absolutely love Lanturn, my favorite is Relicanth, actually. Coelocanth are cool fish.


ooo, what's cooking?
the new shinou ones. hm, lemme find their sprites, o , here!;457; o, why isn't Kyogre in here, or Tamanta.


The Queen
Neorantu...is love.<3 It's uber cute and is one of the ones I'm aiming to get when DP comes to the US. It will be on my team from when I catch it and will not move from that place ever.<3333
Magikarp is one of my favorite Pokemon. SERIOUSLY.

It's a great Pokemon imo. :D I mean... so cute and silly... ^-^ lol