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Fave Video Game Franchise!


<-I'm Hannah Montana
OK guys, I know this is a Pokemon Forums and everyone here is practically crazy over Pokemon, so I made 2 poll options available to see which game franchise is popular besides Pokemon. Please poll and post, discuss, thanks!


Twilight of Aquarius
1. Megaman
2. Castlevania
3. Metroid
4. Zelda
5. Mario
6. Phoenix Wright
7. Pokemon
8. Sonic
9. Final Fantasy
10. Animal Crossing


Well-Known Member
The Sonic The Hedgehog series and Zelda legacy. Although there havn't been many truly great sonic games past SA2 except Sonic and The Secret Rings, Sonic Rush, and the Sonic Advance games. All the others have been mediocre IMO. But on the toehr hand, I dont think I can name a truly BAD Zelda game. Wind Waker is probably the weakest in the entire series, but its still an awesometastical game.


<-I'm Hannah Montana
What the, I thought I included a poll with this thread? Must have been cancelled due to the lag...
Can a mod kindly close this thread, because I've started another one with poll thanks!
Last edited:


Super Gamer
01. Pokémon
02. Sonic
03. Mario
04. Zelda
05. Smash Bros.
06. Phoenix Wright
07. Kirby
08. Mario Kart
09. Golden Sun/Fire Emblem
10. Megaman

That's what I can think of right now :S



Mario, Sonic, and Pokemon franchise.

P.S: Are other video game franchises such as Scooby Doo and Naruto allowed?