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Favoirte In-Game Card Combos

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<-Don't wake him up!
I don't believe that there is a thread on this.
So what are your favorite combos to use in a duel?
Mine are:
Dark Magician of Chaos and Metamorphosis
I have Metamorphosis in my grave, I summon DMOC, I then bring back Meta from the grave from its effect, I morph DMOC into Cyber Twin and hopefully hit my opponent for 56.

Chaos Sorceror and Metamorphosis
I sp. summon Chaos Sorceror, remove an opponent's monster from play, then morph it into Dark Blade the Dragon Knight do damage to his Life Points and remove 3 monsters in his graveyard from play> I call it my 4 removal combo.

Mataza and Creature Swap
I get his monster and my opponent doesn't get mine.

Exiled Force and Last Will
Summon Exiled, pop his/her monster, play Last Will and special summon Stein and OTK him/her with End or Twin(depends on situation).

So feel free to state your fav. combos and describe them please. Thanks have fun ;-D.


Well-Known Member
My favorite is a combo of,

Great Maju Garzett+Brainjacker
Use brainjzcker to steal opponent's monster and then I offer the monster to summon Maju which wold have 2x the original attack of the tributed monster.


Lightning Swordsman
Tyranitar-Rex said:
Mataza and Creature Swap
I get his monster and my opponent doesn't get mine.

A face-up "Mataza the Zapper" is not a legal "target" for "Creature Swap". You can't try to give Mataza to your opponent with any card. I put target in quotation marks because Creature Swap does not target.
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<-Don't wake him up!
~RaikouRider243~ said:
A face-up "Mataza the Zapper" is not a legal "target" for "Creature Swap". You can't try to give Mataza to your opponent with any card. I put target in quotation marks because Creature Swap does not target.
Oh okay, I wasn't sure at the time if Mataza and Creature Swap would work together. But I understand where you're coming from though.
Spell Economics + Dimension Fusion.
DEADLY swarm with absolutely NO LP cost! :D

Soul Release + Chaos Sorcerer + Chaos End.
Clean field. :D


Wooo-wah wah
Feather of a Pheonix+Pot of Greed/Graceful Charity
Use Pot O Greed to get two cards, use Feather to pick a card from your graveyard to add to your hand, and draw two more cards next turn.

HeavyStorm/Giant Trunade+Gaia Soul the Combustable Collective+ Ballista of Rampart Smashing

This only works when your opponent has a defense pos. monster on the field. Use trunade to rid all magics and traps. Play Gaia Soul with Ballista on it, 4 star with 3500 attack, no defense monster can withstand that. And with its ability, the life points subtract from Gaias ATK and the opponents DEF's difference from the opponents LP. If its Man Eater Bug, It doesnt matter. Gaia goes to the graveyard during the end phase.


<-Don't wake him up!
Myrimon Frecyo said:
Feather of a Pheonix+Pot of Greed/Graceful Charity
Use Pot O Greed to get two cards, use Feather to pick a card from your graveyard to add to your hand, and draw two more cards next turn.

HeavyStorm/Giant Trunade+Gaia Soul the Combustable Collective+ Ballista of Rampart Smashing

This only works when your opponent has a defense pos. monster on the field. Use trunade to rid all magics and traps. Play Gaia Soul with Ballista on it, 4 star with 3500 attack, no defense monster can withstand that. And with its ability, the life points subtract from Gaias ATK and the opponents DEF's difference from the opponents LP. If its Man Eater Bug, It doesnt matter. Gaia goes to the graveyard during the end phase.
Doesn't feather of the phoenix return the card to the top of your deck?
have X,Y,Z,V,W out of play + Dimension Fusion

Quick VWXYZ, ask Red-Eyes Rider


If the situation ever arises, this is my favorite zombie combo.

If i have a face down pyramid turtle and my opponent has one monster, i'll flip pyramid turtle play yet another pyramid turtle. Attack the first one now on my opponents side with my new one, killing them both. Their effects give me 2 vampire lords along with the creature i originally swapped from their side.


<-Don't wake him up!
Here is another combo I tried out:
Trunade or Heavy Storm everything first, then Soul of Purity and Light special summon by removing X head cannon and y dragon head(for example) from the grave from play, then either use dimension fusion or return from the different dimension to bring them all out, the summon z metal tank and bring out xyz fusion.
Soul of Purity and Light work very well in an VWXYZ deck. I run 2.
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Hmm... Instant Death... DMOC, Spell Echonomics, Dimention Fusion, Mass Driver/Cannon Soldier/Toon Cannon Soldier/Catapult Turtle... 4 cards but woop-de-doo...

Dragon Fire

"Gilford the Lightning" + Face down "Raigeki"
Pure pwange.

"Jinzo" + "Nobleman of Crossout"
Better safe then sorry.


<-Don't wake him up!
Another combo I used to use back then is:
Lava Golem + Dora of Fate + Fusilier Dragon the Dual Mode Beast= 4000 damage on my following turn(excluding Lava Golem's -1000 LP effect)
Here I'll explain:
My turn:
I special Summon Lava Golem on my opp.'s side of the field(if he/she has atleast 2monsters; if not I use Ojama Trio), then I put Dora of Fate face down and end my turn.
After my opponent draws his card in his draw phase, I immediately acitvate Dora of Fate, and choose Lava Golem as the target
Dora of Fate works like this for those who don't know: During your opponent's turn only, activate this card and choose a monster on your opponent's side of the field. If in the following turn of yours, you successfully normal summon a monster 1 level lower than the targeted monster, you then inflict LP damage of 500 x the opponent's target monster's level. So Lava Golem's level is 8 and Fusilier Dragon's level is 7.
So on my following turn, I can normal summon Fusilier by its efffect(as long as I halve its attack and defense) adn bam, my opponet loses 500 x 8= 4000 LP. ;-D
^Cool combo if I do say so myself.


Wooo-wah wah
Tyranitar-Rex said:
Doesn't feather of the phoenix return the card to the top of your deck?

Yeah, but its for the following turn. You get 4 cards by sacrifing two. Pretty good deal. And if you discard, I dunno, Rare Metal Dragon and you can Moster Reborn it back into play.

Feather of a Pheonix + Monster Reborn
Discard a card, add one to the top of your deck and revive a monster you discarded. Fun when you discard Summon Skull and get your Ax of Despair from the graveyard ^__^


<-Don't wake him up!
Myrimon Frecyo said:
Yeah, but its for the following turn. You get 4 cards by sacrifing two. Pretty good deal. And if you discard, I dunno, Rare Metal Dragon and you can Moster Reborn it back into play.

Feather of a Pheonix + Monster Reborn
Discard a card, add one to the top of your deck and revive a monster you discarded. Fun when you discard Summon Skull and get your Ax of Despair from the graveyard ^__^
I understand where you're coming from but I don't play with traditional cards. :-/


Well-Known Member
Pyramid turtle/Sangan face down. Monster attacks. Effect activates to summon Spirit Reaper in defence mode, preventing LP damage


Only Pyramid Turtle works with that combo. Sangan puts it in your hand.


i likey my hane-hane facey downy, flippy on nexty turny, then sac it for hade-hane facey downy. is a priceless looky on opponent's facey when I blowy 4 monsters backy! ROFL
(P.S.--Man Eater Bug and Nobleman Eater Bug also workses the same sort of way.)

Lava Golem+Flint on Golem+Mask of Restrict after Golem ROFL Death to der opponents!
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