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Favorite Animé Theme Song?

Favorite Animé Theme Song?

I would have to say that I like all the Pokémon theme songs, Dragon Ball Z theme songs, and the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX theme song.


i said plain cheese!
Yura Yura - 9th naruto opening

Kanashimi wo - 3rd Naruto Opening

Fighting Dreamers- 4th naruto Opening

Rocks- 1st naruto Opening

Seishun Kyousoukyoku - 5th Naruto Opening


Well-Known Member
I have a lot:

[In no particular order, and they are all Japanese]

Sakura- Eureka Seven [4th opening].
Smile Bomb- Yu Yu Hakusho.
Belive- One Piece [2nd].
Reckless Fire- S Cry Ed.
Spurt- Pokemon [10th, or was it 9th?]
Bon Voyage- One Piece [4th].
Kasabuta- Gash Bell [1st].
Kokoro No Chizu- One Piece [5th].
Rewrite- Full Metal Alchemist [4th].
Mienai Tsubasa- Gash Bell [3rd].
Brand New World- One Piece [6th].
Shounen Heart- Eureka Seven [2nd].
Days- Eureka Seven [1st].
Hikari e- One Piece [3rd].
New World- .Hack (Legend of the Twilight Braclet).
Seishun Kyousoukyoku- Naruto [5th] {Wow there was something good out of this anime}.
Obession- .Hack (Sign).
Cruel Angels Thesis- Evangelion.
Taiyou no Mannaka he- Eureka Seven [3rd].
Kimi ni kono koe ga- Gash Bell [2nd].

I think that's all. Oh and the first US opening for Pokemon was good.


Well-Known Member
World Without Logos - Hellsing

I've said it before and I'll say it again: nothing compares to this IMO.


Kanto Starter Fan
~ Most of the Naruto openings ^_^
~ Through the Night - Outlaw Star
~ Cruel Angels Thesis- Neon genesis Evangelion
~ Splurt - Pokemon (I think it was 10th ^_^; )
~ Let Me be with you - Chobits
~ Heart of Sword - Rurouni Kenshin
~ Hishoku no sora - Shakugan no Shana
~ Azumanga daioh - Soramimi cake
~ Bleach opening 3 - High and Mighty Color
~ Bleach opening 1 - Asterisk

Well I think ive got them all down, but my favorites will probably change since im only on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to anime. ^_^


Rewrite - Full Metal Alchemist
Seishoujo Ryouiki - Rozen Maiden: Traumend
Kinjerareta Asobi - Rozen Maiden
Kanashimi wo Yasashisa Ni - Naruto
GO!! Fighting Spirit! - Naruto
Haruka Kanata - Naruto
Re:member - Naruto
Discord Satellite - Naruto
Last edited:


Natsu no Maboroshi
FMA - 1st and 4th opening
Meitantei Conan - All openings :p
Naruto: - 7th opening

Nixon's Head

Former Nsider
Through the Night - Outlaw Star
Rewrite, UNDO- FMA


New World- .Hack (Legend of the Twilight Braclet).
Fighting Dreamers- 4th naruto Opening
Ready, steady, go - Fullmetal Alchemist
Gravity - Wolfs rain (credits)
Shout It Loud - Jing, King of bandits
Beyond the Door- Fullmetal Alchemist (second endding)
Rewrite - Full Metal Alchemist
Northern lights - Shaman King 2nd opening
Oversoul - Shaman King 1st opening
Just Communication - Gundam wing
Through the Night - Outlaw Star


Well-Known Member
Some that I like...

Most of the Pokemon openings

(^From Yugioh!)

Moonlight Denesetsu(Sailor Moon)
The World (Death Note)
Sonic Drive (Sonic X)

That's all I can think of .....


Well-Known Member
Cowboy Bebop:
Jupiter Jazz
The Real Folk Blues

Yu Yu Hakusho:
all songs but I like The Homework Never ends and Smile Bomb the most.

Eureka 7-
Fly Away
pretty much all the rest

Samurai Champloo-
Lilium- Elfen Lied
Brand New World- One Piece
Soramimi Cake- Azumanga Daioh
Undo- Fullmetal Alchemist
We Were Lovers- Gankutsuou
A World Without Logos- Hellsing
The Sore Feet Song- Mushishi
Tell Me Why- Berserk
Battlecry- Samurai Champloo
Dramatic- Honey and Clover
Adventure, Right? Right?- Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The World- Death Note
Fugainaiya- Honey and Clover II
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
~*Asterisk- Bleach
Through the Night- Outlaw Star
Ask DNA- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Cha-La Head-Cha-La- Dragon Ball Z
Thesis of a Cruel Angel- Neon Genesis Evangelion
We Gotta Power- Dragon Ball Z

Oh course, this is under assumption that "theme songs" means "opening".
I love the Naruto Haruka Kanata opening because it is absolutely the best hands down!

Matsudai Tasogare

Forever And Ever
Uh... Happy*Material from Mahou Sensei Negima. I somehow can't stop listening to it. >.>