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favorite cat pokemon?

Beast King

Scion of the Wild
Persian I guess...

Happy Meganium

a love like this
Persian. <3 And no, of course I'm not biased just because of my beloved Ryoko. XD [/sarcasm] I find Persian to be really pretty and very stong. It can also learn Electric moves - super cool! ^^

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
After listening to Nyaasu's crazy insane songs for so long, I'm tempted to say Mewoth, but I do like Persian as well. I don't minds Skitty, but Delcatty is kinda meh. I like the blue cat in D/P, but not its evo. But the award must go to the psycho psychic kitties of doom--Mew and Mewtwo!



Well-Known Member

The best cat Pokemon around, the original slashing demoness from R/B/Y, a pretty insane movepool, looks more feline then the Skitty and Nyaruma lines... sorry, no contest. Persian owns all other feline Pokemon to Hell and back five times over.

Yeah, so she's my third favourite Pokemon. Boo hoo?


Better than before!
Meowth line.......