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Favorite Cry


Well-Known Member
What is your favorite cry?

Mine are: Mew, Celebi and Jirachi.


Well-Known Member
Sneasel's cry is the best by miles. A short, sharp addiction that i'll happily listen to time and time again.

Persian and Misdreavus also have great cries. Cradily too.


Tails the Bouyzel
Treecko, Lanturn, And Perrap

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
Lati@s, Registeel, Suicine, Heracross, Scizor and Salamence.


The new tuxedo look!
Articuno, I love hearing it, it's sweet at the beginning but eerie at the end...
also, psyduck's cry is just so cute!! *quakquak!*


Well-Known Member
Misdreavus Is My Favorite Cry


oblivion weilder
i also like suicune, de de le le la if i was to write
Any pokemon's except for Jynx, I hate Jynx's cry >_<
Latias' cry is cute ^^


What do I put here?
Regice, Milotic, Lugia and Suicune. All of their cries are unique, whereas some other cries sound alike


Well-Known Member
Pichu's cry is cute IMO but my favorite is rayquaza and magenium's cries.


Well-Known Member
I like chimecos cry and Suicune i actually like jynx's aswell i just like the more distinctive and unusual ones
the ones i hate are the pokemon just growling noise like swampert or slaking or zubat or geodude oh the list is endless


Powerplay Champion
Parasect, and Mewtwo...
cause they're almost the same...


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Gonna move this to Pokepolls.


Well-Known Member
Mewtwo ;444;