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Favorite Dark Pokemon?

Favorite Dark Pokemon?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Who's your favorite dark pokemon?


Well-Known Member
Shiftry, Sneasel and Crawdawt. but you forgot murkrow, which is my fave dark type. :(

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Okay, why on Earth do you have different options for Sneasel and Weavile? They're the same family. You could have used the spot for someone else.

Anyway, my faves are Weavile and Umbreon, but I like the rest a lot as well.

Shadow Ichigo

Left On A Journey
Dark type pokemon rock! But I perfer Ice type pokemon. Anyways I like Absol, Mightyana, Sneasel, Weavile, Umbreon, and I think thats it. But I like Umbreon the most XD.
Man thats hard... UMBREON!!!! Its THE BEST! It also the coolest. In only voted Absol because Umbreon wasnt up there....

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
I would have to say Umbereon, I don't know about any Shiniou Pokemon yet, can'tremeber whicn Dark Pokemon are what