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Favorite Dark Type?

Best Dark Type

  • Total voters
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Dark Types are so neglected... I'm holding a poll on them! Vote!
Sableye - No weaknesses
Sneasel - Fast, has good attack but no STAB
Absol - Good moveset!
Mighteyena - Intimidate, Alright Moveset
Houndoom - Great Special Sweeper
Umbreon - Good Tank
Tyranitar - Can and will get the most votes
Cacturne - Great mixed Sweeper
Shiftry - Giant Pinecone

Sharpedo - Rough Skin, good speed and attack
Murkrow - Fast, has insomnia
Crawdaunt - Sharpedo on steroids


<-Don't wake him up!
I think there has been a poll on this.
Anyways my two faves are Houndoom, and you must know the 2nd one. *points at username*
I like Absol, Houndoom and Cacturne the most. They all have kickass looks and are quite decent in Battles. Plus, they incarnate the "virtues" of this Type the best...

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
Absol.... all the way. It's cute and strong!


Well-Known Member
Uh... lessee, what was my favorite Pokemon again? >_>

Also like Umbreon and Houndoom.


Well-Known Member
I like cacturne and murkrow. Cutie pies!

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Meh, I reckon all of them are pretty slick. But I voted the kickass hellhound anyway, as I luff it's secksy type combo.


Houndoom fro teh cup. Aside from being cool, it's probably because I'm a dog lover.


Battling-wise:T-tar, Umbreon, or Houndoom
Otherwise:Houndoom, Cacturne, and Mightyena

Evanji Axu

Mightyena! For the love of crap, it's a freaking wolf! (It's not a hyena, because hyenas look nothing like that, and they're actually related to cats and mongooses) *pets her Tika*
No Murkrow? Blasphemy ._.

Anyway, I like Murkrow best. Sure, it may arguably be the worst Dark Type, but it just looks awesome, and it has decent Offense and nice Speed. More Defense plz.

The 8th Champion

Evanji Axu

I thought it was neat how Murkrow's head feathers look kinda like the brim of a witch hat. Although some folks say it's one of the Pokemon that represents Satanism. Freaks.

king krab kingler

I have to say tyranitar as he is undoubtably strong and has an expanded move pool which can come in handy for tight situations.


Contaminated KFC
Nuzleaf. I really like the agile looking, tree-hopping pokémon. And that nose!

Sneasel, Cacturne, Sableye and Murkrow all get an honourable mention however, just because they all look so gosh darn neat~


Well-Known Member

Used it allt he time in Crystal. I got one in my Sapphire with an excellent moveset and It has Massive Speed.

You forgot Manyula ;_;
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