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favorite dog pokemon?

favorite dog poke?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Beast King

Scion of the Wild
Since I don't consider the legendary beasts canines, Houndoom is easily my favorite.


Venusaur The Best
My favorite dog is houndoom by far i dont know why it just is


Lucario followed closely by hondoom. But he is more of those mummie dogs but i guess that would fit. Its the only one the is on two legs!

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
You got most of 'em in the poll, although you forgot the Smeargle and the Granbull line.

I like that your canine poll is the first I've seen that has Lucario. Anubis ftw--jackals rule. ^^


Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
I would say Eevee but Eevee is more fox-like to me.

Growlithe is my favourite dog Pokemon. :)


Better than before!
Houndoom and Raikou tied.

Lid Boy

Diaruga Master
I like Suicune.


Well-Known Member
Lucario, mostly for the fact that he's an original dog design. Not quite on four, not quite on two. Great typing and great attacks. Simply amazing.



Nido Trainer
Mine is Arcanine and growlithe


I Crush Everything
electrike because I own one.