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Favorite Eevee Evolutions

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Guess Who's Back?
Mine are in order, Espeon, Glacia, Umbreon, Leafia, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon.

Dark Master Zork

dark scizor master
Umbreon, Glacia, Leafia, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon.


Well-Known Member
Jolteon,Vaporeon,Espeon,Flareon,Glacia,Leafia, and last, and the stupidest dark type ever, umbreon!


Wow. I'm starting to love creativeworlds.net for their pics that work in any conversation...


Espeon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Eevee, Glacia, Flareon, Leafia.

Flareon's kinda bland. Looks too similar to Eevee. If there was a normal evo for Eevee, it would look like a brown Flareon.
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<- This guy Rocks!

1.- Jolteon
2.- Vaporeon
3.- Espeon
4.- Glacia
5.- Umbreon
6.- Flareon
7.- Leafia

Leafia looks strange in my opinion. o.o


Well-Known Member
Vaporeon, Glacia, Umbreon, Leafia, Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon.
Umbreon/Leafia kinda tie. I'm indifferent to Flareon, really.
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Well-Known Member
Eevee, Leafia, Espeon, Umbreon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon.

Yes, Eevee pwns you all.


The Pokémon Weaver
I have an oxymoron. In Colosseum, my Umbreon grew so fast it's the second-highest Pokemon level of all time for me (only shadowed by a Typhlosion on my "DynamiCrystal") and the highest on my flagship team, which is chock-full of stuff you need to worry about (Charizard with Dragon Claw, Walrein with Sheer Cold, Jirachi).


Raiden Maximus
3.Glaceon (the ice one)
5.The grass one


@KingBoo1: Umbreon's the Eevee tank. It outlasts all my other Pokémon in Colosseum when I fight. My Espeon is KO'd, Umreon continues the battle, it gets all the Experience points. That explains its quick growth rate.


Ready for a vacation
1 is most loved. 8 is most disliked.

1. Jolteon - Always liked the way it looks. I used to like Umbreon the most, but lately I've started appreciating good stats more.

2. Leafia - Love the color scheme! Earth tones = the best. It could do without the green on the chest and shoulders, but other than that it's great. It may very well turn into my #1 favorite when I get D/P. :3

3. Umbreon - Another great design. I wish its rings were NATURALLY blue instead of yellow though. Blue is so much more moony than yellow.. But alas, it's natural color IS yellow, and it's stats are crap. u_u

4. Eevee - Cute.. disgustingly so in Colosseum/XD, which is why I always evolve my Eevee ASAP. But I think outside of those games it's cute, but not too cute. Perfectly-cute, I'd call it's sprite.

5. Espeon - Ah.. I like it, but I don't like that it's one solid color with no markings or anything other than the gem in its forehead. I'm also not too fond of that weird ear-fluff.

6. Vaporeon - I don't like this one. It would probably look better, IMO, without the fin around it's neck. That fin just kills it's entire design.

7. Flareon - I've never liked Flareon much either. I'd say it's overly-fluffy.. like a red Eevee who was attacked by a blowdryer. Or perhaps that's not fluff, and it's simply ate too much McDonalds...

8. Glacia - It looks like it's begging to be dressed up in a French Maid outfit and spanked! I'm sorry, but I'm really unsatisfied with this one's design. :/
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ello there!
me: from top to bottom.... top being my favorite

jolteon.... my secod fave poke

umbreon- i love him

espeon- my awesome baton passer

vaporeon- my hazer

leafia- probably going to be a tank

flareon- i dont like it

glacia- poser espeon..... i hate it

well.... ya.


Gust of Wind
i dont really like how theyre making soo many evos of eevee, i mean soon there will be a steel or rock version of it. anywayz

1.Vaporeon - VERY original and likable
2.Espeon - looks like an intelligent pokemon that isnt overly cute
3.Glacia - lacks detail here and there but i have to go with the idea that it is an ice type
4.Jolteon - I like the spike arrangements and white mane
5. Umbreon - Looks cool with the moon circles that glow and red eyes
6.Flareon - looks like a red eevee and yellow fluff, not interested
7.Leafia - i dont like the tone of yellow and green, id make the yellow a lighter green instead then id have second thoughts, and they couldve been more decorative with the leaves
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