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Favorite Fight pokemon

Breloom rule oh yeah!! Bre, bre loom sing with me DJ spin that thing! Yo!



He litteraly kick ***.
Rukario. His butt is hot.


Well-Known Member
Combusken-no question! its soo adorable!


Woopercrack <3
I've always loved Mankey and Primeape. :D I think if I could only choose one, it would have to be that line. They're adorable but yet they kick SO much butt.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Heracross - one of the best fighters. He just keeps getting better and better with each generation. Good enough to stand his ground against his weaknesses, and hits them hard in return.

Breloom - Sporepunching. Nuff said. Considering the fact he gets Rock Slide (finally) and Stone Edge in D/P, flying types can't hurt him as much as they could in Advance.

Blaziken - Even Skarmory and Weezing, who laugh at most fighters, piss their pants when Blaziken comes out. Fire Blast / Overheat from this overgrown chicken with STAB and a sweet base 110 Spec. Atk to back it up sends them running for their lives.

Lucario - Pulse Bomb is the gift of the gods. This guy can certainly sweep: physical sweeping, no problem. Special sweeping? Even better. And he looks cool as hell.


Well-Known Member
In order

1. Blaziken

2. Lucario


4. Hitmontop

5. Tie between Haryamma/Medicham

Shadow Ichigo

Left On A Journey
Mines are Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Lucario, Primeape, and Dokurogu. But my most favorite is Hitmonchan and Dokurogu XD


Well-Known Member
Goukazaru and Heracross, Their Attack stats are really high!!