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favorite fighting type


tyrouge is my fav,i just like him the most,but i've never actually used him though,


Thunder Pokemon User
Its all about the orginal punching machine Hitmonchan. He's the best out of them all


So Zetta Slow!
For me.... Lucario rules in DP ...Medicham in RSE ...Tyrogue in GSC ...Machamp in RBY
but I like Lucario the best...hehehe

Chibi Pika

Stay positive


Nice stats, great typing, a look that is both original, complex, badass and kawaii at the same time (how many Pokemon can pull that off?), an awesome movepool (both physical and special, and his Att and SpAtt are almost the same), not to mention he was one of the most complex characters in any Pokemon movie, and his just happened to be the best one so far.

Riolu's cool too, though. :) As far as other fighters, I like Blaziken, Goukazaru, and Breloom.



Well-Known Member
Mine is Poliwrath and Vigoroth. Vigorith should be a fighting type. He's a great fighter. As well as Sceptyle and Blaziken. Poliwrath has been a favorite of mine since reading pokespecial.