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Favorite Harley Pokemon?

Which one?

  • Total voters

Charizard Lord

Probably Napping
Probably Cacturne seeing as its his signature Pokemon. Octillery is cool too.

Pretty much had the best appeal ever, and is an awesome pokemon.


Elite 4 Champion
"rocks your socks". Please dont talk like that cyber. lol

Octillery is freakin awesome. The match it had with Munchlax is the still the best contest battle of all and one of the greatest battles overall, IMO.


Well-Known Member
cacturne is the best!

-Chimungus ;457;
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Cacturne..for it matches his attire. =]

And I also found it funny in the first episode Harley appears in and when their about to do their appeal thing, both Harley and Cacturne are standing next to each other with the same pose. Its just so dupertastic! =D Cacturne even almost reaches Harley's amazing height.


Serial Fangirl
;168;;168;;168; all the way!

I just love the funny appeals and the way everyone thinks it's so flashy when it really isn't all that good! It's appeals are beautiful though... :).


blows stuff uhup
Strangely, none of Harley's Pokemon have ever grown on me. Eh, I guess I'll vote for Banette. I quite like Wigglytuff too, though. Evil pink bunny. :D

Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
I voted for Cacturne, because it's a Dark type Pokemon, and Dark types are inherently better than any and all other Pokemon, but, I have to say, I haven't been impressed by many of it's appeals. [It scores extra points because it's one of the Pokemon on my team. ^^]

Banette and Octillery come in a close tied second.
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*swoons for Noland*
Wigglytuff for teh win!

That thing was a serious *****, and it just makes me laugh like crazy whenever I think about it putting up a serious fight. I don't remember...did it know and use Doubleslap?

The Wigglytuff in "Lights, Camera, Quacktion" was funny as hell too Double-*****-slapping everyone and everything.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Octillery for totally wiping the floor off of that obnoxious Munchlax. And practically raping it quite literally.


His Pokemon are all awesome, but Octillary beats the rest by a bit, closely followed by Wigglytuff and Cacturne.


de cold & de sorrow
Bannete as its so very rarely seen, plus its cute



It was so cool and then May brought it down a peg.

Next comes Wigglytuff. THIS IS THE TRUE REASON THAT HARLEY SHOULD BE WITH TUCKER. It's a cry for help! He needs something pink and fluffy.


blows stuff uhup
The only thing standing in the way of Harley's Wigglytuff is that it still isn't quite as great as the Wigglytuff in Lights, Camera, Quacktion. Now, that Wigglytuff is Harley's soulmate.