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Favorite Legendary Pokemon.

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Watch me burn..
Celebi - Because I always found it cute and the movie made my mind up :p


Well-Known Member
Celebi. Grass has always been my favourite type, so I've always thought Celebi was pretty cool. Not to mention time travel has to be a pretty awesome ability.

Lugia. For some reason I've always had a thing for Ho-Oh, which is why I chose to play Gold and not Silver, but after seeing P2K, I kind of fell in love with the beast of the sea.


Well-Known Member
Well, I simply adore grass types so, Celebi. Even though it's just half grass, it's still cute. I kinda like Shaymin too. It's pure grass and it has cool moves. Plus it's cute. :D


extra toasty
I would choose Raikou because of its color, type, and everything else about it. I wish that it at least got its own movie besides that Pokemon Chronicals thing. Entei and Sucuine each got a popular movie, so why not Raikou? Exactly.


Be Wise, Tell Lies.
There's not much choice for Legendaries in the first two regions, and Raikou is the one I like the most in Johto. The rest are solid, except Entei. I HATE Entei...
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