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Favorite move animation

Title says it all. What's your favorite move animation? There have been many moves with cool animation. Some don't look so good. And there are other moves that have changed animation over time.

Also, another question kinda related to this one is: what's your favorite move style. There have been moves that were performed differently (i.e. water pulse) which looked kinda cool watching.

One of my favorite move animations was Nando's Roselia's (or was it Budew's) Mega Drain attack which looked amazingly cool and pretty unique as well. I also liked how Volt Tackle looked in the anime as well. I would never expect that during the first few seasons of pokemon!

As for move styles (or whatever you wanna call it), I liked how Kingler/Corphish used an indirect crabhammer (Kingler did it in the whirl cup i believe against Misty's Poliwhirl). I also liked how Timmy's Dusclops used an indirect form of focus punch during the battle against Skitty. I thought that was kinda new to see focus punch like that.

So any thoughts?

Korobooshi Kojiro

Timmy Grim wrapping his cape around his body, as we then zoom to Dusclops eye as he suddenly shoots out two ghostly fist at Pikachu is possibly one of my favorite attack animations ever. This weekend's marathon made me remember that.


My favorite one is Turtwig's Leaf Storm. I thought it was an amazing attack and looked amazingly well. Water Pulse is another attack that really looks good.

In the episode "Once in a Mawhile" there were two moves that I really liked. I loved how Torkoal launched his Flamethrower but the best one for me was the spinning Razor Leaf of Lombre.

Staravia's battling style makes me laugh, no matter what attack he uses.


Contaminated KFC
Combusken's Overheat ftw. Seriously, the whole 'giant white hot fireball' thing totally owns 'Flamethrower with rings'.

Also, the version of Sceptile's Leaf Blard that was shown during the first BF opening.
My favorite one is Turtwig's Leaf Storm. I thought it was an amazing attack and looked amazingly well. Water Pulse is another attack that really looks good.

In the episode "Once in a Mawhile" there were two moves that I really liked. I loved how Torkoal launched his Flamethrower but the best one for me was the spinning Razor Leaf of Lombre.

Staravia's battling style makes me laugh, no matter what attack he uses.

I forgot about water pulse! Yeah, water pulse has so many variations from an orb, to a wave, to an actual pulse of water, etc. I liked Tucker's Swampert and how it used that attack to do the fire/water fusion!

I also liked Combusken's fire spin during the last Kanto contest as well!


I quite liked Charizard's Dragonbreath against Dusclops in the Battle Pyramid Final Battle.

PKMN trainer Justin!

(o) <--- POKE'BALL!
I like Earthquake.
In Game: Frenzy Plant
In Anime: Sceptile's Leaf Blade


Shikamaru Fan!
easy I love pikachu's volt takle move with the electricity overpowering its body cause him to break into that 2d look its awesome.


Well-Known Member
Water Gun is made of awesomeness...couldn´t get any better...I miss Kasumi´s Pokemon and their powerful waterguns...


Back here. >.<
I like Grovyle's/Sceptile's Leaf Blade and Pikachu's Volt Tackle..


Well-Known Member
I've always thought Aerial Ace looks cool, especially Swellows. When it did a loop then swooped down on its opponent, and the whole white line breaking through the air thing. Awesome move.