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Favorite Non-Pokemon game


christian 4ever
mario bros for some weird reason


Well-Known Member
Mario Series.

Prime Wolf

I got a Wii!
GTA San Andreas, Best game ever!


Its almost time
Warning: Some of the following games are ancient and you probably have never heard of them.

Leisure Suit Larry 3
Kings Quest 4
Space Quest 3
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door
Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker
Diddy Kong Racing
Goldeneye 64

Many others...


Well-Known Member
I mostly play strategy games on my PC(I'm ten years old but i can think of stategy)
My favs:
Warhammer 40k dawn of war dark crusade
age of mythology
rise of legends
new super mario brothers
command and conquer generals


Who can say?
The Zelda Series - I'd say Orcarina of Time. Wind Waker a close 2nd...
Final Fantasy - No real fave, but I usually say X because it was the first one I played before getting the older VII, VIII, IX...
Golden Sun / Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Most other RPGs...


Well-Known Member
I say Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King from the Dragon Quest series that inspired Pokemon :p


Sweet & Fresh
The Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past.

Just amazing.