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Favorite Pokemon

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Well-Known Member
i think mewtwo because he is the hardest to capture (once i captured him without master ball)


I always had a place in my heart for Ditto. It was so cute in the games and the anime. Same with Caterpie. As far as appearance and stats are concerned, my favourite would probably be Ninetales.


The new tuxedo look!
Psyduck is so cute and plushy...


Beginning Trainer
My favourite pokemon of the first generation is: Dragonite! I think he is cool!


Eevee of the day.
Pikachu and Eevee. But I guess one would be able to tell from my Name.


Helloween Rocks!
my favorite pokemons are Salamence and Rentoraa(although it is new) beacuse they are the coolest pokemon created!
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