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Favorite Pokemon

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Well-Known Member
I like Houndoom and Politoed.


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
weavile, he jus looks so awesome and tough, and hes fun to battle with, also i like absol cos i like the whole story and ideas behind them
This should be in polls and I am sure there is already a thread like this.


Well-Known Member
~*Mudkip Fantastic*~ said:
This should be in polls and I am sure there is already a thread like this.
That there is... but i'm answering it anyway. x.X

My favourite Pokemon is Sneasel. Obviously.

My favourite Pokemon is Sneasel. Obviously.
I would never have guessed! Mine is Mudkip. But I'm sure no one knew that.
agh harrrrd

I love Jolteon, but I also love basically every normal pokemon.

Sheimi is a bit rad~
And I do adore sceptile.
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