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Favorite recurring rival character?

Which one do you like the most?

  • Total voters


Grr...I love both Harley and Drew (I've just really gotten into the contests). So I really can't choose between the two.


Super Coordinator
I only liked Gary in one episode (The 8th gym episode), Drew I don't like, Harley I think is kinda interesting, but I really liked the friendly rivalry Richie and Ash had going and I always thought Richie was kinda cool >.> So...yeah...out of Richie and Harley, I choose Richie :)
Now if only I was still watching the anime during the Johto series I could have seen Richie again...>.>


<< Hottie!
This is a difficult question for me...I love both Richie and Harley, they are my favourite characters.
I prefer Richie, although Harley is a close second one


Well-Known Member
Drew FTW. He's like the Brad Pitt of Pokemon that I have always wanted. :D

They need to somehow script the show so that he'll become a part of someone's subconscious to start a Pokemon Fight Club and create a organization called Project Mayhem... Or maybe plan a vault heist from the basement of the Belagio Casino and Resort. ;)
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Harley pwns them all. <3

Well, he does other things to Shuu, but that's besides the point...
i've only seen Harley for half an episode and Richie only occured twice the 3 part thing counts as one for me and richie kinda cheated in the pokemon league battle so Drew


blows stuff uhup
Drew, although Harley's a close second. Gotta love the metro-ness.

Swifty said:
Drew FTW. He's like the Brad Pitt of Pokemon that I have always wanted. :D

They need to somehow script the show so that he'll become a part of someone's subconscious to start a Pokemon Fight Club and create a organization called Project Mayhem... Or maybe plan a vault heist from the basement of the Belagio Casino and Resort. ;)
XD I always thought Drew in the American dub sounded a bit like Edward Norton.


*swoons for Noland*
The only reason I would say Drew is because of Flygon, but I said Harley. He has such depth of character. The writers could do so much with him.


I think Gary is my favourite but as he has gone now Harley is the best because of its problematic psychology.


little punks!
Gary is better than Drew, Harley and Richie combined.

Richie wasn't recurring and he was Mr. Nice Guy anyway.

Drew is a cheap ripoff of Gary with weak pokemon[SPOIL]except Flygon[/SPOIL].

Harley annoys me for some reason, maybe because he obbsesses over some innocent girl not liking his cookies and the way he used gossip in battles, but his pokemon are cool. I do think his plotting is awesome.

Gary was king of rivals though. He was snotty, arrogant, and powerful. Besides seeing Ash react in tantrums is much funnier than seeing May cry.
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Yeah, ok!
seizureman said:
Richie wasn't recurring and he was Mr. Nice Guy anyway.

The reason I put Richie there because he actually is recurring. After the Indigo League he returns in Johto for the 3 part Lugia saga. After that he appears in 3 different Hoso's.

That's more than enough to consider him recurring. Also, just because he's a "Mr. Nice guy" doesn't mean he can't be a rival. :p