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Favorite Rocket theme.

Soul Dew

Which is your favorite? I love the old one for nolstalgia. I'm sorry I can't say anything for D/P since it isn't here yet.
The one in the episode with the two Igglybuff. You know, the one where the had a whole little song instead of their motto. That was the only good one. The original motto got old waaaaaaaay back in the begining of Johto, and the second motto got old after the first time reciting it. I had to stop watching the show because of their stupid mottos (and a few other reasons). And I didn't even know they had a D/P motto.

~*Myuu the Ryuu*~

The epitome of grace
I like the song "Team Rocket's Rocking", even though it isn't really a motto.

My favorite is the tea themed motto in the first Whirl Islands episode (Where they see Lugia's shadow)


Well-Known Member
the one from solid as a solrock. it just rocked everybody's socks.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Here is the DP Motto, thanks to fruitsmoothiesrevenge

You hear the voice of this and that...
It came along in a swift current of light...
The wind!
The universe!
A large sky!
The reports in this world are dangerous!
The legend of the universe is crisis!
If we choose this mischief, choose between angel and devil,
everyone will know the echo of this wavering fascination!
And Nyasu!
The selected leading roles are us!
We are the unrivaled
Team Rocket!


Well-Known Member
i liked the one that team rocket made their motto as opera.... prepare for lunar trouble... hahaha

Evil Azurill

RIP Maddie
I haven't really been paying attention to the newer episodes, because I don't like them, so I only know TR's original motto. So I guess that's my favorite. But I like Butch and Cassidy's motto even more than that one.

Soul Dew

Guys, I was talking about the music played during the mottos.

Sushi Bunny

ハチミツをたべてる フっフっフっ
The Team Rocket song from the song of jigglypuff. Or their pinky land song.

Pinky land!Come to pinky land!Come and visit once a year come and spend your money here!It's so nice and twinkly never stinkly!Pinky land!

No I don't like that song at all...:D