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Favorite Shiny pokemon


Well-Known Member
Share your favorite shiny pokemon from any version. Even post the ones you already have!!
I don't know which could be a shiny pokemon. ;147; ;147;

But the best way to have a shiny pokemon is to clean it. Lol. ;147; ;147; ;147; ;147;


Shiny Hunter
Iv'e always thought that the shiny Psyduck,which has been eluding me for a few days now, looks pretty cool.Can't wait till I finally catch it :]

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I like blue shiny Pokemon. I have a Crobat and a Geodude.


Well-Known Member
Kyogre so totally pimpin in pink lol!!!

And Groudon Is so cool in gold
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Shiny Mew,Shiny Celebi,Shiny Rayquaza,Shiny Jirachi,Shiny Groudon,Shiny Kyogre, Shiny Umbreon, Shiny Giradina,

Shiny Latias and Shiny Manaphy,(duh), nuff said ^^


Good at Life.
Of course, Charizard makes for the coolest-looking Shiny guy, but my Medicham definitely comes in a close second (I like the blue thing he's got going on).

Black Charizard is some-bad when he drums down and proceeds to sweep the whole team.


Battle-Dome trainer
my fave shinies are shiny raquaza shiny charizard shiny mategrosss shiny shiny mew and all the other shinies look so cool


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to Pokepolls, because...this is a poll. >>;;


The new tuxedo look!
I really love shiny lileeps!
My favourite looking Shiny's are Gengar, Steelix and Heracross.
I hate the colouring of most shiny's, but these ones look good.

Currently I only have Licks ._.