The Regis, because they pone. Brilliant Defenses, and original *discussing taboo feature in Pokémon - SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* If anyone tells me they hate the Regis because they're unoriginal, prepare for death by dismemberment.
The Birds aren't exactly awesome. Zapdos is the only usable one. XD didn't change much(lol Extrasensory OMGZORZ 00BER). W00t, Articuno got Haze and Heal Bell. Decent, but does that negate its Rock weakness? Fire? Electric? Steel? Nope, so why bother? It'll still die to an SE. Moltres got Morning Sun and Will-O-Wisp. Er, dire need of Special Attacks what? Extrasensory helps a bit, but there are better moves; hi Psychic. Zapdos and Metal Sound is cool, as is BP, but really Zapdos is good as is, why is IT the one that gets improved the most? TF?
The Dogs are pretty cool, but they take no skill to get. I mean, even the Birds take more skill to find. The Dogs just jump around like frightened gerbils, waiting for you to catch them. Challenging~
The Regis, though, are totally different. First, you've got an awesome quest, and no n00b can just walk in and do it either. You ahev to know what to train, where to train, how to train, where to go, how to go, and so much more. And then once you've actually accessed them you've got the daunting task of hammering at those freakishly high Defenses while avoiding being poned by whatever it is they're using to attack. Ice and Rock have Base 100 Attacks(respectively), and Registeel has pretty decent coverage, though having a lackluster Offense. And then you get the fun of using them. CB Registeel, though rather ineffective, can still hurt and is tough
to hurt. CB Regirock just lets Attacks bounce off its enormous Defense and off its respectable Sp. Defense while hammering you with STAB Rock Slides and good Physical moves from a good Physical movepool. BoltBeam Regice will hurt whatever it is you're using while shrugging off Special Attacks and staying alive with decent Defense. 100 Base Sp. Attack and Psych Up says hi to CMers, and BoltBeam says hi to anything not named Lanturn or Magneton.
And personally speaking, they're fun to write about(Mah Fic). It's fun to portray their powers as I please and differentiate between their distinct personality.
The 8th Champion