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Favorite Voice of Pokemon (Dub and Original)

Korobooshi Kojiro

So? Post your favorite voices of the Pokemon!

My newest is Greggle, simply because it goes "gre" over and over and over and over while staring evilly.

Also, Masukippa rocks, cuz it's voice seems to change every episode.
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Take that!

In that case, Masukippa for the hilarity, Bonsley for the horrible earpiercing screams.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Also, Masukippa rocks, cuz it's voice seems to change every episode.
Oh, like the size of his head! I think its voice changes with however large the animation team for each episode decides to make his head.

I've always been a fan of "SOOOOOOONAAANSUUU!!!" Dub-wise, gotta go with Corphish. It's just as funny as "Hei-Hei!" suprisingly.


Well-Known Member
I love mukkuru's! its sooo cute sounding! also, masukippa's is cute too!
corphish's japenese voice cracks me up!

-Chimungus ;457;
Oh, like the size of his head! I think its voice changes with however large the animation team for each episode decides to make his head.

I've always been a fan of "SOOOOOOONAAANSUUU!!!" Dub-wise, gotta go with Corphish. It's just as funny as "Hei-Hei!" suprisingly.

Yes, Wobbuffett has quite a smexy voice to complement his looks.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Heigani's voice kicks so much *** and you know it. It's just one syllable, repeated over and over, but the little dude conveys so much hysterical emotion with it. I especially love his bravura performance in the Runpapa episode, wherein he gets extremely angry numerous times. You must hear it to appreciate it - it's the funniest thing.


Well-Known Member
Corphish sounded too much like Farfetch'd, I didn't like it so much.

Seriously though, Dunsparce.

I'm over 100 eps past the Dunsparce ep now and I still haven't gotten over it yet. It's just so damn cute.. That scene where the Dunsparce were popping out all over the place while Team Rocket were searching for it, was too cute.


Contaminated KFC
I have tons of pokémon voice I like, but I'll try to avoid making stupidly long lists~

Japaneseru desu

Yeah, Wakasyamo's voice owned on many a level. Also, I'm sad enough to know that it makes certain different calls whenever it uses a different attack. Like Overheat. That would call for a "Sha, m-m-m-m-mooooo, SHA!". And Fire Spin would always be a single "SHAMOOO!". Obviously, I need a girlfriend.

I also really like Runpapa's voice, or more specifically, the one featured in the 6th movie's dancing short. That one had nothing but insanity running through it's glee filled veins. Jumping out of nowhere whilst performing a combination of singing and psychotic Runpa laughter was one of the elements that made that short so damn funny. Totally owned 'The Voice'.

Others include, but ain't limited to~

The ape-like Dogomb
Miracle grow Roselia
The ever-badass Juptile.
Hei Hei!
The ear-splitting scream of Utsubot
Heart warming adorable Bayleaf
Eleboo and it's blubbery goodness.
Rasberry Habunake

Snorlax (oh god, this was SO much better than Kabigon's voice)
Weezing (it's first few episodes anyway, before it changed)
4Kids Corphish
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Jrrr. Jrrrr? JRRRRRRRRRRRR. Juptor's voice makes his list, and none of you are suprised.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObbuffet and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnansu are both winners here. They're awesome in their own ways.
Ohsubame's voice is pretty kickass too. Su-BAH!
Corphish rocks, as does Heigani.
I dig Pochama's voice as well, although it helps that the Pokemon itself is awesome anyway.
Then there's SHAMO SHAMO SHA! Gotta love that Wakashamo.
Each and every one of the Regis has an awesome voice. Period. Regi-ice reg-reg-regi-iiiiiice springs to mind as an example.
Koooooooooootasu, Cha-bok(why Arbok says cha-bok, I'll never know), MasKIPPA!, Weezing weez, and HEEEeeeeeELLLLP(aka "Naetle") are honorable mentions.
I'm probably alone in this, but PUSA Bonsly has to have the most adorable voice I've ever heard. Usohachii is an entirely different matter (I caught a bit of the Ninja episode off of YouTube, and bloody hell, that was horrible x_x), but Bonsly's voice is just adorable.

?*V Tsun*?
The 8th Champion