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Favourite Dark Type

Favourite Dark Type

  • Total voters


Musical Insomnia
What's your favourite dark type, mine is sneasel

Silent Conversation

Chart obsessed wanker
I'm saying Tyranitar because it's the strongest up there IMO, but if Sableye was there, I'd say Sableye because it has no weaknesses.


Well-Known Member
omg! you forgot murkrow :mad: well, sneasel is really cool, but umbreon is my least fave dark type! :mad:


Well-Known Member
Wow...umm o_O

I like most dark pokémon..I would quote the words of Phoebe(Elite4) but nah :p

I'm gonna go with Mightyena - I'm always in the wolves' favour :)


What do I put here?
Umbreon or Absol. I kind of like Houndoom...but Umbreon and Absol are better. Dark type is my favourite type.


Well-Known Member
jpkmnl2006 said:
soooo very true
but mention to sneasel and absol and sableye
*corrects your typo of Sneasel and flings dictionary*

On topic... OH I WONDER.

Could it be the Pokemon i've been obsessing over since December 2000 and will continue to obsess over until the Pokemon franchise blows up? Could it be the Pokemon that likes to chase Pidgeys and feast on their eggs? The Pokemon who I think owns lookwise? The one who I get my sister to make me plushies and items of clothing of, the one who I can talk about for 10 hours straight... the one where I have 120 of them in Emerald? The darling who features in my avatar, signature and location?

Of course it's Sneasel. You need a doctor if you thought differently.


Scary Faerie♥
Definately Sneasel. Though, Absol And Umbreon Do Come Pretty Darn Close For Me.

Flame Haze SnS

Absol for me. I love it and its fur around its chest is so fluffy and it's looking rad cool with the addition of its 'horn'! ^_^
I love all of them, but Umbreon is my favorite, then Mightyena, Houndoom and Absol <3