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Favourite Pokemon That were almost Randomly chosen!

Look at The Title!!!

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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
*Waves around "Random-arse poll" flag.* But hey, at least you acknowledged it, eh? xP

Umm...I'd have to say Vibrava and Haunter. =s God, this poll is weird.



Well-Known Member
my faves out of those are duskull because i like dusclops and that is the prevo, so yea. and riishan cause its a pevo of cute little chimey! haunter cause its cute and cool with those floating hands and azumarril for no apparent reason. :D

Beast King

Scion of the Wild
Duskull and haunter

Nick Mckenzie

I picked Muumaaji, then entered it, then said "You can pick more than one? [expletive]".:/ If I'd have known before, I would've picked Smeargle and Haunter as well.
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