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favourite pokemon voice

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Ray Tracer
I wonder If anyone did pay attention to pokemon voices in the game ... I heard in Japan I read there was a vote and it came out that Wobbuffet's voice is the favourite.
So now , think a little , which of the pokemon's voice is your favourite , and give a brief explanation why.

As for me , I prefer Slowpoke's voice in the game ... I find it pretty amusing and funny :D
Loudred has an intresting CRY in the GBA games, kinda sounds like a Guitar Rift, makes sense cause he is loud anyway. Goldeen is intresting, my Magmenite beeps, cause it is a magnet anyway.


Coral Eye Trainer
Articuno is my favorite. It sounds like it's singing. ^_^


Fog Trainer
I find that weedles and caterpies are pretty much the same so ill go for them


Victreebel, Suicune, Cyndaquil, Espeon/Tyrogue (similar), Elekid, Arcanine, Spearow, Nidoran female, Girafarig, Smoochum (awww), Granbull, Houndoom

I wouldn't say Weedle and Caterpie sound the same, Caterpie is more of a sing-song and Weedle just screams.

Cable Guy

I'd probably have to choose either Latios or Latias. It's not too long, and it doesn't get on my nerves like some of the other cries.
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My favorite Pokemon cries are:Mew,Suicune,Articuno,Zapdos,Mewtwo,Latios,Blaziken,Typhlosion,Charmander,Charizard,Raikou,Lugia,Castform,Rayquaza,Tyranitar,Dragonite and Heracross are my top favorites.

Have you even noticed that CHARIZARD and RHYHORN both have the exact same CRY? Go to your GameBoy and listen to Charizard ;006; and Rhyhorn's ;111; CRY.
Articuno, Chimecho, Feraligatr, Ho-oh, Absol, and Dragonair sound cool to me! XD

I like Aggron's cry too! Sounds like a train imo! LOL


Mind Trainer
I like Regice and Chimecho's cries. Blazikens cry is ok but not my favorite


Orion Master said:
Bellossom. 1 word: Cute!
Have to agree with you there :)
miles0624 said:
I like chmecos voice.My favourite voice is blissy.
1. The name is Chimecho
2. The name is Blissey
3. They're CRIES not VOICES -_-
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