Well, yeah. What's your favourite six Pokemon? I picked six 'cause, y'know, that's how many you can have in your party. Any reason they're your favourite? Well, I've taken tiem to think, and mine are:
1. Shuckle (Well this one's kinda more like a zero, I love it so much...Since I first saw him in G/S, like, 5 years ago, he has been MINE. Long live Shuckle)
2. Munchlax (Ooo how I love that chubby little git...Ever since SPP revealed him way back then, he shot right up to my second fave)
3. Perap (It has a MUSICAL NOTE for a HEAD. And it's BLUE. What more could you possibly ask for in a bird?)
4. Mantine (You big blue sponge, you. Mantine pwns. I mean, c'mon, it has a Remoraid for a homeboy. You gotta respect that. Plus, it's a big manta ray, lol)
5. Hikozaru (Monkey!!! It's a friggin' Monkey! An orange Monkey with it's BUTT on fire! You gotta have faith in the little noob! er, yeah, he's been my favourite if the three D/P starters since they were revealed)
6. Armaldo (Well, this spot is kinda shifting all the time, but now that I know Armaldo learns Scissor Cross, it is 6th. I alwyas liked it, it's awesome, and the best fossil IMO, but with this move, it rocks more. And is the same typing as Shuckle Funkeh)
1. Shuckle (Well this one's kinda more like a zero, I love it so much...Since I first saw him in G/S, like, 5 years ago, he has been MINE. Long live Shuckle)
2. Munchlax (Ooo how I love that chubby little git...Ever since SPP revealed him way back then, he shot right up to my second fave)
3. Perap (It has a MUSICAL NOTE for a HEAD. And it's BLUE. What more could you possibly ask for in a bird?)
4. Mantine (You big blue sponge, you. Mantine pwns. I mean, c'mon, it has a Remoraid for a homeboy. You gotta respect that. Plus, it's a big manta ray, lol)
5. Hikozaru (Monkey!!! It's a friggin' Monkey! An orange Monkey with it's BUTT on fire! You gotta have faith in the little noob! er, yeah, he's been my favourite if the three D/P starters since they were revealed)
6. Armaldo (Well, this spot is kinda shifting all the time, but now that I know Armaldo learns Scissor Cross, it is 6th. I alwyas liked it, it's awesome, and the best fossil IMO, but with this move, it rocks more. And is the same typing as Shuckle Funkeh)
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