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Favourite type of anime villain?


Ashfan for life
my favourite type of anime villains are the tyrannical and manipulative ones because they are the most dramatic in any other anime. what's your type of anime villain and why?


Types that have the same kind of personality as Sora from .hack//SIGN (even though he wasn't a villain in the first place; I like villains that have the same kind of childish personality that he does).
The Funny stupid ones, not the types that want to take over the world.


Salingerian Phony
I like the comic relief ones...but only if they can pull off the comic relief skillfully (which is rare, but it exists). An example is Domino Walker from Cowboy Bebop.
sadistic, manipulative, cunning, lustful, demented, psychotic.


Johto Champion
My favorite villain in any anime is Crocodile from One Piece. So, basically, a sadistic person who loves to see people go through pain... That makes a good villain to me.


An example of a good villain to me would be "Father" from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga, he doesn't really do anything, but he's pulling all the strings.

Also, ones that provide comedy relief but aren't totally incompetant such as Commander Red from Dragonball are fun too. XD


I'm a sucker for sort-of-but-not-really villians, aka "they're antagonists, and they might break the law/morality/whatever's considered villianous in this anime, but they're not really EVIL". Like Sora from .hack//SIGN(more of an annoying noob-type(except actually appealing to the viewer :p) than an evil person, especially since he's so young), Kaitou Kid from Detective Conan(even without all that Magic Kaito tells you about him, it's fairly obvious that he's not evil, especially when virtually every other antagonist is a murderer, bomber, kidnapper, blackmailer, or something else that's far worse than his antics), and the main Team Rocket trio from Pokemon(if you honestly think they're evil, you missed every single one of their character development moments. Especially those with backstory).

If we're going for villians that are actually evil...well, it really is the personality more than anything when it comes to what characters I like, in general. Having actual reasoning for their evil desires is nice too, even if the reasons are purely selfish/egotistical/whatever. Although anime tends to be good with that anyway.

SOS! Its Not Healthy..

He Say Whaaa...
sadistic, manipulative, cunning, lustful, demented, psychotic.

Ya read my mind...

I'm a sucker for sort-of-but-not-really villians, aka "they're antagonists, and they might break the law/morality/whatever's considered villianous in this anime, but they're not really EVIL". Like Sora from .hack//SIGN(more of an annoying noob-type(except actually appealing to the viewer :p) than an evil person, especially since he's so young), Kaitou Kid from Detective Conan(even without all that Magic Kaito tells you about him, it's fairly obvious that he's not evil, especially when virtually every other antagonist is a murderer, bomber, kidnapper, blackmailer, or something else that's far worse than his antics), and the main Team Rocket trio from Pokemon(if you honestly think they're evil, you missed every single one of their character development moments. Especially those with backstory).

If we're going for villians that are actually evil...well, it really is the personality more than anything when it comes to what characters I like, in general. Having actual reasoning for their evil desires is nice too, even if the reasons are purely selfish/egotistical/whatever. Although anime tends to be good with that anyway.

I totally agree with you, well said!


It isn't the likeable (or rather unlikeable in this case) characters who induce emotion in the viewer, but the deep ones.

Having said that, I prefer villains who have depth to their character. They may be psychotic, sadistic, or just cold hearted, but I feel most attached to the ones who have depth.

Strangely, I usually feel more attached to the villains in an anime or manga than the main characters. They just interest me more.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Completely off topic, but Satoshi, I loled at the quote in your sig.

Anyway, my favorite villains are the ones that believe they are doing something right for themselves and what they believe, but it looks like something bad from the main character or heroes perspective. Those villains are probably the ones that you get to understand and learn about their past the most.


Sennen Goroshi! XD
Comic Relief or those who think what they're doing is right but cause pain to others around them,but inthe end, figure out whats wrong and end up dying for a good cause. *dies from long psuedosentence*

Korobooshi Kojiro

Did I mention the ones that laugh for no reason?

I'm talkin bout Hamburg from One Piece specifically, so much ownage in one Gorilla-package. He's the Gorilla my dreams!