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Feebas Fishing

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OMG itZ pikablu!!1!1
Okay, in my Ruby, I have caught every pokemon but feebas and milotic. I know that you need to use an old rod, and that the 6 tiles you can find it in are scrambled with the Dewford trendy. I have a quick question though; in the feebas tiles, do you ONLY find feebas in it, or can you still catch tentacool and stuuf?


Lopunny's puns pwn.
You can find other pokemon in it, but Feebas is the most common one. So if you fish 3 or 4 times and still no Feebas, that means most likely that there's no Feebas there.


OMG itZ pikablu!!1!1
Ok thanks! (P.S. Emerald KIng; yeah I do. Can't get enough of it! : ) )


Well-Known Member
my advice is fish in a tile 5 times. if you don't find within 5 turns of fishing, go onto the next tile to fish. this is what i have done and works.


Well-Known Member
I think theres a 75% chance of getting a feebas, so i suggest 5-6 times , imagine the irony of passing over a feebas spot <.<


**Legendary Maven**
look at my helpful feebas and milotic page

for goodnesses sake look at my feebas and milotic page...you'll find a FEEBAS in just 1 day,gurenteed>

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
I like to use good rod or old rod. good rod has always worked best for me.
If a feebas is on that tile then the chance of a feebas is always the same with any rod.

But old rod is the best because you will only need 1 or 2 pulls on the rod instead of 5 or 6 for super rods. So old rod is obvioulsy the best choice as it takes less time for a pokemon to pop up.

Navneet im sure a lot more people would visit that page if you had put a link to it in your last post. ;123;


Ultimate Metal Fan!!
Feebas only appear in six squares of water on route 119, and these change with the saying at dewford. My advice is fish 3-4 times in one square of water, and if no joy, move on to another. This can take minutes to hours, but you usually find one fairly soon. Any rod will do. Get those blue pokeblocks ready!


Natsu no Maboroshi
I used an old rod, and I got one in my 3rd try :)

Lugia Aeroblast

FR E-4champ 23:56:33
i cna tell u exactly where to catch a feebas. if u have the saying Hassle Heart, scale the waterfall, go on the land but stay so u cant go right without surfing, go all the way to the top of that area without turning, turn right, and use surf. before moving after on the wailmer, use an old rod. u have a 1:3 chance of hooking it because of the tentacool and magikarp
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