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feebas...i don't believe in that!!!

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Link the warrior

Really nice guy
;349; ;349; ;349; ;349; ;349; ;349; ;349; feebasfeebasfeebas...i can't catch it!!!NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!;328; ;328; ;328;


Well-Known Member
Well maybe if you use less smileys then you'll catch it. Something tells me if you couldn't be bothered to read the rules then you won't have the ptience needed to catch Feebas. It took me ages...

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Please do not SPAM.
What is the point of this thread?

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
yeah the poster above me just spam as well... ¬.¬ jackass

OK link first off this is in the wrong place it should go in the R/S/E oh wait is shouldn't because look here a guide on how to catch Feebas

link: http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=110648

Link the warrior

Really nice guy
NOOO!!!i can't stillllllllllllllll.....................
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