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feebas/milotic help

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kill and run

ShinyHunting Veteran
ok i hope this gets sticky anyway i posted this cause people are having trouble with getting milotic

well first off it is hard to catch feebas i know but once you do catch a lot of them and breed for these natures

why these natures you ask? well because milotic has great special attack and these are natures for special attack

do not get this and try to evolve it

also any other nature would work but you want the ones that love blue or indigo pokeblocks
so in order to do all of this this is the concept

first off find feebas or get one from a friend
then breed to get the natures listed above{modest, mild, quiet, rash}
get pamtre kelspy hondew and cornn berries and get many of them
the best way is to clone those berries
then give feebas all blue/indigo pokeblocks until it cant eat anymore than give it one rare candy and it should evolve if it doesnt just keep leveling up or try the process again try to keep one of the mentioned berries as a back up so you can clone them some more if necessary

if you have questions feel free to post them thank you for your time
;350; ;349;


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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