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Feebas - need help fast plx

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Well-Known Member
where the %¨@$ can I catch this pkm (I know the route).
Is it fishing or just surfing... and which are the best berries to make him evolve (max beauty, pokeblocks).

please, if anyone got this informations plx tell me... need some help as fast as possible!!!

random guy

<the essence of cool
you have to fish with a good rod in all the diffirent squares that you surf in and the berries you want a ones with like a dry trait or whatever when you examine them


Well-Known Member
man... now i'm getting really bored... someone plx PM me... I really need some help.

I've tried to fish at the northerst, up the waterfall, between it and the white "bridge", I've fished up to 5 times searching at all, ALL, the tiles... and I got only magikarps and tentacools... could someone PLEASE help me :'(

do I have to change that Trendy Phrase or not??? plx help


Natsu no Maboroshi
Try using an old rod. :). It'll be easier to get Feebas. And about the trendy phrase: Change it once you have tried many times, and you didn't get it.


Well-Known Member

OMFG!!! after 4 hours searching for it man... I almost cried XD

thanks for everyone that helped


Good at Life.
haha, i ve been searching for about 2-3 hours and nothing :(

every time i see a magikarp, i almost throw my DS through a window


Well-Known Member
I got mine after 10-15 minutes. I find it easier to fish in every square just once. It may reduce your chances of getting it when you pass by, but it's still faster than fishing in each square 5 times.


Furret rocks
Well, congrats on finally catching it.

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
Umm, you know its 20 times easier or so with a super rod. And give him lite blue bloks.

Actually, Indigo blocks work better
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