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female/male sprites


were not open anymor
on the dp pokedex it has female and male sprites and i know there supposed to look different but i cant tell. id be cool if they had pokemon female/male differences on the pokedex. if any one could tell me any differences that would help cuz i cant see em. ty!


Most have no differences? In that case, it might do good to update the Male v. Female sprite page, seeing as few have changes.



Yup, it could be funny, but... Yeah i don't know. It's not likely to see a born Wobuffet with lipstick on his face.
Wouldn't it be a Wynaut?


Well-Known Member
The Wobuffet is hilarious :3 Does it just go and buy some lipstick at the shop and apply it?

I'm not pleased at Sneasel. The female has a tiny ear :(


Brains for brawn
The Venusaur's difference makes a lot of sense, if you know about flowers.
And this doesn't really belong here, I don't believe.


were not open anymor
thanks guys so much that link relly helped and lol wobbofet is pretty funny.
oo i forgot check sig when i got my nintendo ds!


Bit by bit...
Most have no differences? In that case, it might do good to update the Male v. Female sprite page, seeing as few have changes.

i just checked some you see when you animate it the males are slightly wider
in width than the feamale sprites bu i'm too lazy to post a pic....use the nose pass evo as an example