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Fifth Generation?


should there be a fifth generation, since Aruseus has been done, they can't make anything higher, so what do u think?

(srry if this has been done)

Ho-oh Tamer

Well-Known Member
Yes. They have a "god pokemon" but that doesn't mean they can't make another batch of regular pokemon and some new un-god legendaries.


The Plot Thickens
Mew at it's time was thought of as a god, but they had 3 more gens, so why not?

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Bring it on! We need as many generations as we can get :3.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I think it will have more new features... but the storyline will be exactly the same as all the previous games... and with DP with is beginning to get a bit repetitive IMO.


As long as most of the pokemon are cool and powerful, the fifth generation might be interesting. I hate cute pokemon that are weak.


Strawberry fields.
As long as most of the pokemon are cool and powerful, the fifth generation might be interesting. I hate cute pokemon that are weak.
What a retarded thing to say. You're entitled to your own opinion, but your view is flawed and doesn't hold a lot of ground.
I would like a fifth generation because frankly, this one disappointed me a little bit, 5 new fire types and no new electric combinations besides Rotomu. Not too many new type combinations, though I do congradulate the grass/ice and the many creative legendaries. I want a fire/flying non-legendary other than silly Charizard as well as a fire/water.

Mime Jr

Well-Known Member
They have yet to done a "devil" Pokemon, hope they do that in the 5th generation. Doubt they will though.