World Map
Mayakashi: This incredible metropolis is supposedly owned by a peace-loving government interested only in the well fare of its citizens. However, this so-called “democracy” is nothing more than a thinly coated dictatorship. For you see, the power hungry military holds the weak-willed government within its iron fist. Despite this the people of the city live in comfort due to the technological breakthroughs they have made over the course of the past couple of years. Though most of these citizens are none-the-wiser as to their military’s evil plans, with the exception of the discovery of Genesis Cells. So in other words they’re caught up in what appears to be never-ending blissful ignorance…
Owned by the Mayakashi Military:…-_-
Jakunen: While this city is quite large, it appears to be the polar opposite of Mayakashi. Whereas the streets of Mayakashi are always filled with endless quantities of citizens, and the city itself is quite secure (despite its destructive military), Jakunen contrasts this on several levels. It seems as though one can find a bar on almost every corner, despite the fact that most of them are surprisingly high quality. The most famous of them is entitled “My Final Heaven (go homage).” Yet even though some of these bars are quite nice, this doesn’t change the fact that crime rules the streets in certain areas of Jakunen. Recently, it’s been rumored that there are some underground companies are illegally trading what little Genesis Cells they could come across. For this reason most citizens are scared to even step outside their houses without a capable bodyguard by their side for fear of an attack by someone who had been illegally infused with Genesis Cells. So overall, you couldn’t really call this city the slums, because in the better parts of Jakunen people still live happily, but the bad parts…you don’t want to go there unarmed.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Half of the city is liberal, while the southern district is owned by Mayakashi. The military’s forces are trying to advance further into the city, but Jakunen is holding strong.
“The Slums:” This is it…the worst place in the world to be. At one point it did have a real name, but those who still know it are either too old to actually care, or too well-studied to even LIVE in The Slums in the first place. But anyway, in this city everyone seems to carry a gun, or at least a weapon of some sort. Needless to say, Genesis Cells are traded illegally in nearly every back ally. It’s so incredibly easy to find them in these desolate cities that a few mere children are running around with them infused into their cellular makeup. However…the method by which they weave them into your DNA is much more primitive (painful), and does not grant the user nearly as much strength, stamina, speed, or magical power. But needless to say, the dreary streets of “The Slums” certainly isn’t a place to venture on casual business.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes
Chocobo Fields: A rural area wherein the majestic Chocobo runs free in the many open fields. Quite a few farms are located within the seemingly endless area, where young travelers may breed their own Chocobo should they find themselves unable to capture one themselves. It is incredibly peaceful in this part of the world, for there are hardly any monsters roaming free like there are in most other areas. In addition, several shops, homes, and various other buildings are scattered about the fields, making it a small town as well as an open area.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No
Leviathan Key: A port city which is relatively peaceful overall, but occasionally there are some uprisings which are very easily taken care of. In other words it’s an average town; some crime, but there’s no need to come in with two bodyguards and a machine gun. It’s status is quite good, as it’s one of the major port cities of the Planet. A lone lighthouse sits on an island not far off the mainland to guide ships back home or to their next stop. However, while monsters seldom find their way into the city, it is rumored that a powerful serpentine creature lurks within the depths of the Northern Oceans. One who particularly enjoys the waters near Leviathan Key.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes
Mayakashi Military HQ (Codename Area 15): A desert wasteland located right near Mayakashi itself. It is where all top Mayakashi Soldiers are trained, as well as where its true leader is said to reside. Security here is top notch, for it also serves as the main Genesis Cell Reserve for the company, though it is by no means their only one. Infiltration of this base is a feat never before accomplished by any rebel group. Soldiers are always stationed seemingly around every corner, a good amount of which are infused with Genesis Cells. While not truly a city, it does contain many futuristic buildings due to its enormous size which actually rivals that of a small city.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: >.> <.< Nawwwww of course not. (yes)
Trinity: The small town where Rosuto grew up. Though long ago ripped apart by the Mayakashi Military, it has more or less recovered by now. It is still the peaceful town it used to be, but now its citizens are slightly better prepared for an attack and realize that they aren’t immortal (a problem that some of them seemed to have before the attack). Nowadays, few are still stuck on the attack surprisingly. This is because most of them have given in to the lies of the Mayakashi Military, having believed what they said about the casualties being absolutely necessary to save the rest of their town from the rebels. But whatever the case, be it peace of simply blissful ignorance, Trinity has returned to its peaceful state.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes
Necro City: A city that seems to be more from Star Wars than anything; somewhat grimy at times, but still in possession of impressive technology. This city simply does not have the necessary funding to bring itself to as high a quality as such world powers as Mayakashi or Jakunen. The people themselves live well enough for the most part, though in the bad parts of town there are a fair amount of homeless people in the streets of Necro City. There really isn’t much else to say about this particular city. The Mayakashi Military more or less ignores Necro City due to its unimpressive supply of Genesis Cells and lack of truly miraculous technology.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No
Shinwa: A rather traditional village populated by a nigh legendary race of Shinobi famous for their incredible mastery of both armed and unarmed combat as well as their old fashioned ways. Unlike most traditional towns, however, the ninja of this village do not simply halt all progress. Rather they do not support the use of Genesis Cells to enhance their combat abilities. Electricity, solar energy…all are generally accepted as valid sources of technology by the Shinwa Ninja. Yet they refuse to take part in the trade of Genesis Cells. Despite this their capabilities on the field of battle are very impressive considering they are working off of their natural abilities alone. For this reason the Mayakashi Military occasionally attempts to convert some of the Shinobi to the side of Genesis Cells, but because of their determination to maintain their traditional ways, the military does not do this often.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No, but they are planning a conquest of it
Aeronautics Inn: While this location’s name suggests that it’s nothing more than a hotel of sorts, it is actually an entire town which famed for its advances aviation. Their incredible mastery of the skies eventually lead to their becoming the first city to reach outer space, thus earning them a victory over Mayakashi (the second city to send a man into space). When it comes to aviation technology, they seem to be locked in an everlasting rivalry with Mayakashi. And they seem to be winning. For while Mayakashi remains the world’s major military power, Aeronautics Inn is beating them in the area of…well…aeronautics.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No
Arcane: Simply put, Arcane is a town of mages; beings who can naturally perform True Magic. Though the city itself is somewhat isolated, they’re by no means afraid to communicate with the outside world. They are a powerful race, having gone beyond science to become very efficient in both battle and daily tasks. What’s better, they remain a peaceful people interested only in the well fare of others. For this reason they are one of Mayakashi’s main adversaries, but their rivalry doesn’t rear its ugly head all too often as Arcane realizes that they are still not powerful enough to challenge their military on their own. In the center of Arcane lies a temple of sorts wherein their vast amounts of knowledge sits available to the general public.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No
Genesis Labs: Quite simply put, this is the laboratory where the military does most of its genetic research regarding Genesis Cells as well as their effect on humans, as well as other creatures. This is also where the government’s test subjects are kept, but that’s not a very well known fact. Overall, things aren’t quite as eventful here as you might think. All confrontation regarding the Mayakashi Military takes place in Area 15.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes
Earthscar Fortress: This “kingdom,” as it is called, is known far and wide as the rebellion’s main stronghold. This is where those whose families have been killed by the Mayakashi Military take refuge. While there are many rebellions against Mayakashi, this seems to be the place where they all come to communicate with one another. For they are fighting for the same thing, and realize this. That is why Earthscar Fortress was first constructed. It acts as a Junctioning point for all rebel groups. The castle which stands at the center of the kingdom is where their leaders come to discuss important issues and plan strategies for attacks. A full scale assault has not yet been made on the fortress because it would undoubtedly attract the attention of every rebel group in the world (Earthscar Fortress is very important to them, and is where the people they are protecting take refuge).
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No
Temple of Infinity: This is the very temple where Rosuto vanished from the face of the earth…it’s also what started this whole fiasco with Genesis Cells, according to the philosophers/scholars of Arcane. Not much is known about this temple, except for that the monsters roaming the crevices of this structure are of the highest caliber when it comes to strength. One such threatening- yet slow moving- foe is the mystical Tonberry, who seems to have made their home in the cave. But overall, the Temple of Infinity is as of yet unexplored by any living humans. But of all locations on earth, the Mayakashi Military still shows the most interest in this one, for as stated earlier…nigh infinite amounts of magical energy are still detectable deep within its caverns.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: They are planning to take it for themselves, but are as of yet unable to do so.
The Four Elemental Reservoirs- What follows are four locations, each relating to one of the four basic elements. All four have two myths associated with them- to each their own legend, and one that affects all of them. For each is said to have a reservoir containing nothing but pure, untapped Genesis Energy. None have ventured that deep into their crevices, however, more than likely due to the first myth that each comes included with. For this reason the Mayakashi Military is very interested in these four spots, but because these myths have not yet been confirmed as truth they are not their top priority.
Magma Cavern Area: Several villages sit on an island on the upper left hand side of the world. Each of these villages surround a mysterious cavern. Within this cave lies various passageways filled with multiple pools of magma. Nobody dares venture into this cave, however, for many Fire Element Monsters keep this cave occupied at all times. And in the center of the area it has been said that there is said to be a horrid monster who controls the embers themselves. None have actually seen this monster face-to-face, however…leastways none that have emerged from the cave alive. However, the bodies of the deceased have been found in the cave, burnt to a crisp by what appears to be a Fire Spell whose power far surpasses those of the monsters residing in the cave. As well, a large mysterious figure has been seen lurking about in the shadows of the cavern. Still the people of the surrounding villages (such as Pyrotech, a larger port city, and Singe, an underdeveloped town located on opposite sides of the cavern‘s entrance) live without concern, as never before did this creature find its way to the surface world.
The Skeletal Plains: The burial ground of many dead soldiers who have fought and died for their respective countries in the great Mayakashi Revolution. The Skeletal Plains, once called Titan’s Crossroads, was the very spot where the greatest battle of that war took place. Unmarked graves are scattered about the massive area, and a light fog always seems to be looming forebodingly. It has been said that the vengeful souls of long dead soldiers now walk the plains, locked in eternal war versus any living creatures who may wander into that particular area. In addition to this…a much larger skeletal apparition has been seen by many. Though unlike the Magma Cavern’s creature of mythology, this one hasn’t killed any yet for none have approached it.
Sea of Despair: Located far off the coast of Leviathan Key, this underwater cavern can only be reached by submarine. It appears to be manmade, but no one knows the purpose of its creation. It’s obviously not a shrine, and seems to be the home of aquatic monsters. Only one expedition was ever made to the cave, and nothing of particular interest was found. However…an enormous silhouette was seen in the waters surrounding the cavern, one that would be just small enough to fit inside of the rather large entrance. It was thought to be nothing more than an illusion, however.
Mount Seraph: The tallest mountain on the Planet, reaching simply incredible heights. Fortunately for all courageous mountain climbers, monsters are scarce on this massive creation. Those who are found are aerial beasts who are actually quite threatening, but are easily avoided unless one disturbs them in search of a battle or enters one of the many caves that seemed to have formed over the course of time. However…there is a reason why nobody has climbed Mount Seraph in such a long while. A colossal entity has been spotted several times; sometimes airborne and sometimes upon the top of the mountain. It is obvious that this is where the Genesis Reservoir is found for many reasons, but none have made it that far to this very date.
Note- These aren't the only locations on the World Map. Just the only cities. There are many other caves, dungeons, temples, etc. that exist. I'll just leave those up to you guys. So...use your imaginations.
1. All standard RPG Rules are to be followed.
2. Swearing is allowed so long as it is kept Ooc.
3. Power playing will, of course, be frowned upon. Please remember, though, that there’s nothing wrong with having a powerful character, but try to keep them around the level of Cloud Strife at MOST.
I'll post my first In Character post...well, whenever I finish it. And you can start anywhere on the World Map, so you know.