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Final Fantasy: Paradise Lost


World Map​

Mayakashi: This incredible metropolis is supposedly owned by a peace-loving government interested only in the well fare of its citizens. However, this so-called “democracy” is nothing more than a thinly coated dictatorship. For you see, the power hungry military holds the weak-willed government within its iron fist. Despite this the people of the city live in comfort due to the technological breakthroughs they have made over the course of the past couple of years. Though most of these citizens are none-the-wiser as to their military’s evil plans, with the exception of the discovery of Genesis Cells. So in other words they’re caught up in what appears to be never-ending blissful ignorance…
Owned by the Mayakashi Military:…-_-

Jakunen: While this city is quite large, it appears to be the polar opposite of Mayakashi. Whereas the streets of Mayakashi are always filled with endless quantities of citizens, and the city itself is quite secure (despite its destructive military), Jakunen contrasts this on several levels. It seems as though one can find a bar on almost every corner, despite the fact that most of them are surprisingly high quality. The most famous of them is entitled “My Final Heaven (go homage).” Yet even though some of these bars are quite nice, this doesn’t change the fact that crime rules the streets in certain areas of Jakunen. Recently, it’s been rumored that there are some underground companies are illegally trading what little Genesis Cells they could come across. For this reason most citizens are scared to even step outside their houses without a capable bodyguard by their side for fear of an attack by someone who had been illegally infused with Genesis Cells. So overall, you couldn’t really call this city the slums, because in the better parts of Jakunen people still live happily, but the bad parts…you don’t want to go there unarmed.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Half of the city is liberal, while the southern district is owned by Mayakashi. The military’s forces are trying to advance further into the city, but Jakunen is holding strong.

“The Slums:” This is it…the worst place in the world to be. At one point it did have a real name, but those who still know it are either too old to actually care, or too well-studied to even LIVE in The Slums in the first place. But anyway, in this city everyone seems to carry a gun, or at least a weapon of some sort. Needless to say, Genesis Cells are traded illegally in nearly every back ally. It’s so incredibly easy to find them in these desolate cities that a few mere children are running around with them infused into their cellular makeup. However…the method by which they weave them into your DNA is much more primitive (painful), and does not grant the user nearly as much strength, stamina, speed, or magical power. But needless to say, the dreary streets of “The Slums” certainly isn’t a place to venture on casual business.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes

Chocobo Fields: A rural area wherein the majestic Chocobo runs free in the many open fields. Quite a few farms are located within the seemingly endless area, where young travelers may breed their own Chocobo should they find themselves unable to capture one themselves. It is incredibly peaceful in this part of the world, for there are hardly any monsters roaming free like there are in most other areas. In addition, several shops, homes, and various other buildings are scattered about the fields, making it a small town as well as an open area.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No

Leviathan Key: A port city which is relatively peaceful overall, but occasionally there are some uprisings which are very easily taken care of. In other words it’s an average town; some crime, but there’s no need to come in with two bodyguards and a machine gun. It’s status is quite good, as it’s one of the major port cities of the Planet. A lone lighthouse sits on an island not far off the mainland to guide ships back home or to their next stop. However, while monsters seldom find their way into the city, it is rumored that a powerful serpentine creature lurks within the depths of the Northern Oceans. One who particularly enjoys the waters near Leviathan Key.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes

Mayakashi Military HQ (Codename Area 15): A desert wasteland located right near Mayakashi itself. It is where all top Mayakashi Soldiers are trained, as well as where its true leader is said to reside. Security here is top notch, for it also serves as the main Genesis Cell Reserve for the company, though it is by no means their only one. Infiltration of this base is a feat never before accomplished by any rebel group. Soldiers are always stationed seemingly around every corner, a good amount of which are infused with Genesis Cells. While not truly a city, it does contain many futuristic buildings due to its enormous size which actually rivals that of a small city.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: >.> <.< Nawwwww of course not. (yes)

Trinity: The small town where Rosuto grew up. Though long ago ripped apart by the Mayakashi Military, it has more or less recovered by now. It is still the peaceful town it used to be, but now its citizens are slightly better prepared for an attack and realize that they aren’t immortal (a problem that some of them seemed to have before the attack). Nowadays, few are still stuck on the attack surprisingly. This is because most of them have given in to the lies of the Mayakashi Military, having believed what they said about the casualties being absolutely necessary to save the rest of their town from the rebels. But whatever the case, be it peace of simply blissful ignorance, Trinity has returned to its peaceful state.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes

Necro City: A city that seems to be more from Star Wars than anything; somewhat grimy at times, but still in possession of impressive technology. This city simply does not have the necessary funding to bring itself to as high a quality as such world powers as Mayakashi or Jakunen. The people themselves live well enough for the most part, though in the bad parts of town there are a fair amount of homeless people in the streets of Necro City. There really isn’t much else to say about this particular city. The Mayakashi Military more or less ignores Necro City due to its unimpressive supply of Genesis Cells and lack of truly miraculous technology.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No

Shinwa: A rather traditional village populated by a nigh legendary race of Shinobi famous for their incredible mastery of both armed and unarmed combat as well as their old fashioned ways. Unlike most traditional towns, however, the ninja of this village do not simply halt all progress. Rather they do not support the use of Genesis Cells to enhance their combat abilities. Electricity, solar energy…all are generally accepted as valid sources of technology by the Shinwa Ninja. Yet they refuse to take part in the trade of Genesis Cells. Despite this their capabilities on the field of battle are very impressive considering they are working off of their natural abilities alone. For this reason the Mayakashi Military occasionally attempts to convert some of the Shinobi to the side of Genesis Cells, but because of their determination to maintain their traditional ways, the military does not do this often.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No, but they are planning a conquest of it

Aeronautics Inn: While this location’s name suggests that it’s nothing more than a hotel of sorts, it is actually an entire town which famed for its advances aviation. Their incredible mastery of the skies eventually lead to their becoming the first city to reach outer space, thus earning them a victory over Mayakashi (the second city to send a man into space). When it comes to aviation technology, they seem to be locked in an everlasting rivalry with Mayakashi. And they seem to be winning. For while Mayakashi remains the world’s major military power, Aeronautics Inn is beating them in the area of…well…aeronautics.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No

Arcane: Simply put, Arcane is a town of mages; beings who can naturally perform True Magic. Though the city itself is somewhat isolated, they’re by no means afraid to communicate with the outside world. They are a powerful race, having gone beyond science to become very efficient in both battle and daily tasks. What’s better, they remain a peaceful people interested only in the well fare of others. For this reason they are one of Mayakashi’s main adversaries, but their rivalry doesn’t rear its ugly head all too often as Arcane realizes that they are still not powerful enough to challenge their military on their own. In the center of Arcane lies a temple of sorts wherein their vast amounts of knowledge sits available to the general public.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No

Genesis Labs: Quite simply put, this is the laboratory where the military does most of its genetic research regarding Genesis Cells as well as their effect on humans, as well as other creatures. This is also where the government’s test subjects are kept, but that’s not a very well known fact. Overall, things aren’t quite as eventful here as you might think. All confrontation regarding the Mayakashi Military takes place in Area 15.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: Yes

Earthscar Fortress: This “kingdom,” as it is called, is known far and wide as the rebellion’s main stronghold. This is where those whose families have been killed by the Mayakashi Military take refuge. While there are many rebellions against Mayakashi, this seems to be the place where they all come to communicate with one another. For they are fighting for the same thing, and realize this. That is why Earthscar Fortress was first constructed. It acts as a Junctioning point for all rebel groups. The castle which stands at the center of the kingdom is where their leaders come to discuss important issues and plan strategies for attacks. A full scale assault has not yet been made on the fortress because it would undoubtedly attract the attention of every rebel group in the world (Earthscar Fortress is very important to them, and is where the people they are protecting take refuge).
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: No

Temple of Infinity: This is the very temple where Rosuto vanished from the face of the earth…it’s also what started this whole fiasco with Genesis Cells, according to the philosophers/scholars of Arcane. Not much is known about this temple, except for that the monsters roaming the crevices of this structure are of the highest caliber when it comes to strength. One such threatening- yet slow moving- foe is the mystical Tonberry, who seems to have made their home in the cave. But overall, the Temple of Infinity is as of yet unexplored by any living humans. But of all locations on earth, the Mayakashi Military still shows the most interest in this one, for as stated earlier…nigh infinite amounts of magical energy are still detectable deep within its caverns.
Owned by the Mayakashi Military: They are planning to take it for themselves, but are as of yet unable to do so.

The Four Elemental Reservoirs- What follows are four locations, each relating to one of the four basic elements. All four have two myths associated with them- to each their own legend, and one that affects all of them. For each is said to have a reservoir containing nothing but pure, untapped Genesis Energy. None have ventured that deep into their crevices, however, more than likely due to the first myth that each comes included with. For this reason the Mayakashi Military is very interested in these four spots, but because these myths have not yet been confirmed as truth they are not their top priority.​

Magma Cavern Area: Several villages sit on an island on the upper left hand side of the world. Each of these villages surround a mysterious cavern. Within this cave lies various passageways filled with multiple pools of magma. Nobody dares venture into this cave, however, for many Fire Element Monsters keep this cave occupied at all times. And in the center of the area it has been said that there is said to be a horrid monster who controls the embers themselves. None have actually seen this monster face-to-face, however…leastways none that have emerged from the cave alive. However, the bodies of the deceased have been found in the cave, burnt to a crisp by what appears to be a Fire Spell whose power far surpasses those of the monsters residing in the cave. As well, a large mysterious figure has been seen lurking about in the shadows of the cavern. Still the people of the surrounding villages (such as Pyrotech, a larger port city, and Singe, an underdeveloped town located on opposite sides of the cavern‘s entrance) live without concern, as never before did this creature find its way to the surface world.

The Skeletal Plains: The burial ground of many dead soldiers who have fought and died for their respective countries in the great Mayakashi Revolution. The Skeletal Plains, once called Titan’s Crossroads, was the very spot where the greatest battle of that war took place. Unmarked graves are scattered about the massive area, and a light fog always seems to be looming forebodingly. It has been said that the vengeful souls of long dead soldiers now walk the plains, locked in eternal war versus any living creatures who may wander into that particular area. In addition to this…a much larger skeletal apparition has been seen by many. Though unlike the Magma Cavern’s creature of mythology, this one hasn’t killed any yet for none have approached it.

Sea of Despair: Located far off the coast of Leviathan Key, this underwater cavern can only be reached by submarine. It appears to be manmade, but no one knows the purpose of its creation. It’s obviously not a shrine, and seems to be the home of aquatic monsters. Only one expedition was ever made to the cave, and nothing of particular interest was found. However…an enormous silhouette was seen in the waters surrounding the cavern, one that would be just small enough to fit inside of the rather large entrance. It was thought to be nothing more than an illusion, however.

Mount Seraph: The tallest mountain on the Planet, reaching simply incredible heights. Fortunately for all courageous mountain climbers, monsters are scarce on this massive creation. Those who are found are aerial beasts who are actually quite threatening, but are easily avoided unless one disturbs them in search of a battle or enters one of the many caves that seemed to have formed over the course of time. However…there is a reason why nobody has climbed Mount Seraph in such a long while. A colossal entity has been spotted several times; sometimes airborne and sometimes upon the top of the mountain. It is obvious that this is where the Genesis Reservoir is found for many reasons, but none have made it that far to this very date.

Note- These aren't the only locations on the World Map. Just the only cities. There are many other caves, dungeons, temples, etc. that exist. I'll just leave those up to you guys. So...use your imaginations.


1. All standard RPG Rules are to be followed.
2. Swearing is allowed so long as it is kept Ooc.
3. Power playing will, of course, be frowned upon. Please remember, though, that there’s nothing wrong with having a powerful character, but try to keep them around the level of Cloud Strife at MOST.

I'll post my first In Character post...well, whenever I finish it. And you can start anywhere on the World Map, so you know.


Well-Known Member
He just stood there. The world around him was nearly silent, except the occasional bird, and the gentle sound of the wind through the grass. And the soil. A huge, wide circle of land was clearly scorched. He took out an interesting weapon, a long handled scythe with a silver blade, and sliced a small trench in the ground before him, placing a few seeds in it with his other hand as he did so. He then gently bent down, and patted the ground back into place. He got up, took a few steps forward, placing his scythe back upon his back and closing his black cloak. Before him rest a tiny gravestone. The ground he stood on was bare, as if it had been recently re-filled. Which it had. By him. He ran his finger over the headstone's writing.

"Samael Michalaengalo. Died in battle. Age Unknown. May he rest in peace."

It was nice that someone had remembered. Would've been nicer if they'd spelt his name right, but, well it was the first time he'd ever had a gravestone. It was an odd thought, he realised, to be glad to have a gravestone. But it at least meant that he'd left his mark for a change, and in a positive way. He smiled from behind his red muffler, something rare. There was a large 'thunk' behind him, something of great size and weight had landed behind him. He knew who it was, and turned to face the being.

A gigantic silver dragon stood there. Well, could it be called a dragon? It's entire body was composed of metallic plating, and it's being was clearly mechanical in nature. However, despite this, it gave off something, almsot an aura, that made it clear it was more than just a machine. It's large, six metallic wings were held close to it's body, and it's tail rested upon the ground, with it's shrt arms held close to it's chest. It's long neck reached up high, with it's head staring down from that height. A long nose horn stuck straight out from it's face, giving it's had an almost jet like appearance. The two golden streamers upon it's forehead swayed up and down in a wave-like motion, as it looked down upon the lone warrior.

The lone warrior looked up, his thick, messy brown hair shaking in the breeze as he did so. The dragon let out a hard to see smile, and, in a flash of runes, dismissed itself, turning into a mysterious golden light, and disappearing into the depths of Sam's cape. He looked around. The nearest place...was a long way off. He could make out a large city upon the horizen. His black boots disturbed the dust as he stepped forward, ash blowing in the wind.

Everything that needed be done had now been done. Time to get one with this life.

He clutched his chest as he continued the walk. Evidently, he still wasn't powerful enough to call BahamutZERO outside of battle with ease. He had to wonder, when would he be able to do so in battle?

OOC: He is heading to Jakunen, just so you know. He doesn't know the names of many places yet. Just where he got BahamutZERO created, and his Genesis Cells.


The halls of the Mayakashi Military Headquarters stood rather silent considering the circumstances about to befall them. The futuristic corridors lay void of life as the majority of martial officers slumbered. Yet as the work force rejuvenated, security remained simply top notch. Cameras lined every hallway, making it virtually impossible to traverse the sleek metallic levels of Mayakashi's most powerful stronghold without being detected. Where security cameras were in short supply, crimson trip-wires shot from one end of the hallway to the other, thus completing the traps designed to keep the general public out...and any rebellious soldiers in. Tripping either of these defense mechanisms would result in an armed response from the Headquarters itself, as well as the notification of every single soldier currently stationed at the massive complex. Truly it was a nigh impenetrable fortress. There was almost no hope of unauthorized entrance…or unauthorized exit.

But that wasn't going to stop Yuuki Kenshin. The youthful warrior valiantly dashed through the halls guided only by his prior knowledge of the building's design. His feet moved stealthily across the cold steel floors below, making absolutely certain not to awaken any of the soldiers by means which could have been easily avoided. Despite this extra precaution, he was well aware evading the security cameras was something he just could not to. And so he paid them no mind as he flew through the halls at speeds which could easily be defined as super human. Yet even as he traveled at such an incredible pace, the cameras still caught sight of him the moment he stepped in one of their lines of vision.

And the instant this happened, the halls switched from a very modern silver color to a blood red shade of crimson, signifying that the alarm had been tripped. A siren went off that notified all soldiers that a breach in security had been made. Automated doors slid open as other shut tightly and Mayakashi Military Officers flooded the halls, each armed with a long ranged weapon of some sort. It seemed Kenshin was far outmatched, considering he himself was wielding a Masamune sword which lay strapped behind his back. But still he pressed onward, his black jacket blowing madly behind him due to the wind resistance he was forced to endure. The deep brown eyes which he possessed scanned his environment, allowing for him to become wary of the laser turrets protruding from the walls. In other words, the line of soldiers he was approaching wasn't the only thing he had to worry about.

Less than a second later his Masamune was drawn, clutched firmly in his left hand. In a swift circular motion, Yuuki had sliced the laser turrets in half with his Masamune. The metal shards fell to the ground harmlessly as the soldiers aimed their various fire arms and began firing. Moving at bullet speed, Yuuki was miraculously able to deflect a portion of the speeding bullets with the thin blade of his Masamune. But he knew he couldn't keep this up forever, and thus kept moving forward, swinging his sword fiercely. As soon as he got at a safe distance, he kicked off the ground and leapt over the soldiers with the greatest of agility. Continuing his sprint, he looked back and pointed his free hand palm-out toward the soldiers.

"FIRE!" He yelled in a voice both confident and strong.

As he shouted this, a small fire ball materialized in his right hand. He took aim himself, and as he did so the fire ball grew to its maximum size; roughly as big as his hand itself. The boy expelled the magical energy, which had manifested itself as a burning ember, from his hand and launched it at the soldiers. A few of them were caught in the blaze, while the remaining officers were stunned by the power of the low level attack. Those lacking Genesis Cells were instantly knocked off their feet, while those who were infused with Genesis Cells easily kept going. But the Spell had given Yuuki enough time to round a corner and continue his escape. Though he wasn't out of the water quite yet.

A number of laser turrets emerged from the walls, which were still engulfed in the dark red light of the siren. These too were sliced into pieces by Yuuki's Masamune, however those at the opposite end of the hallway were able to let loose a steady stream of laser blasts. However, Yuuki wasn’t about to give in so easily. Utilizing a reaction time envied by almost every soldier in the military, the courageous youth performed various flips and stunts to evade the lasers, having sheathed his Masamune in mid-air before hitting the ground. Although as soon as he reached the end of the hallway, a duo of armed soldiers attempted to take him by surprise. These two, however, were armed with bladed weapons rather than fire arms. Yuuki was easily able to overpower them and slay them with his Masamune. The second the soldiers hit the ground, he rounded yet another corner and continued his escape. And as he predicted, at the other end of the hallway was a steel door which Yuuki was positive lead to the outside world. However, it was heavily guarded; standing directly behind a line of five or six soldiers. The second he caught sight of them with his sharp eyes, Yuuki came to a screeching halt and threw his arm up into the air.

“BOLT!” He cried.

At that moment his fist began crackling with a pale blue electricity as he summoned the powers of True Magic to aid him once more. The soldiers aimed their high tech rifles in Yuuki’s direction, but unfortunately for them were not swift enough to get off any shots before the spell took effect. A single lightning bolt touched down on the earth below, striking a single soldier in the dead center of the squadron. The electricity then traveled through the ground, hitting the rest of the soldiers as Yuuki went airborne yet again, leaping toward the soldiers positioned directly in front of him. Taking advantage of their state of uncertainty created by the spell, Yuuki was able to close the distance between the two opposing sides before they could take their guns in hand. The very second he reached the group, he sliced each one down with his Masamune. Luckily, the electricity from his spell had also traveled through the equally metallic walls, thus succeeding in shorting out the laser turrets which had recently extended from their dormant positions within the walls themselves.

“…too easy…” Yuuki sighed, though he did sound somewhat winded.

Only then did he hear the footsteps approaching with each passing second. He knew very well that his time was limited, so he quickly turned around full circle to face the metal door which separated him from the outside world. It had, of course, been locked by the tripped alarm, but Yuuki was able to blow it open with twin Fire Spells, having gained particularly encyclopedic knowledge of the stronghold’s weaknesses. He proceeded to make a mad dash for the outside world, already hearing the loading of guns directly behind him. His environment quickly changed from an artificially heated industrial complex, to a metallic balcony used mostly for gaining a bird’s eye view of the outside, one whose temperature was drastically colder. Yuuki’s jacket was ruffled by the winds as he turned to face his attackers. A small group of about five Genesis Infused Soldiers had managed to reach Yuuki’s location ahead of the rest, but they were being followed. Leading the five elite soldiers was a man who seemed the pillar of authority itself, dressed in an elaborate attire of a crimson attire. Clutched in the hands of the soldiers were loaded machine guns, while the leader wielded a European-style double bladed sword in his right hand.

“Game set.” The leader stated rather arrogantly, sheathing his sword as he realized that close-range combat would not be necessary. “Men. Fire.”

Each of the five soldiers squeezed the triggers of their machine guns, sending five equally lethal streams of bullets toward Yuuki. A normal human surely would have been finished under such circumstances, but Yuuki Kenshin had always been held to higher standards by the military’s higher-ups. And now as he stood opposing the military itself, things were still no different. Yuuki used incredible precision to evade the bullets from the machine guns and close the distance between him and the soldiers. Their leader showed his superior agility by leaping back as Yuuki drew his sword once again, this time in mid-dash. Before the officers knew what hit them, they were on the floor. However, the remaining soldiers trailing Yuuki had arrived by this time. He knew very well that his skills were not limitless. And unfortunately, the soldiers now opposing him seemed countless.

“I told you not to be the rebel, Kenshin.” The leader chuckled, referring back to Yuuki’s days of training. “Now, it’s over. It just took a little longer than we thought."

“…” Yuuki remained silent, sheathing his Masamune as the soldiers loaded their guns and standing with his arms at his sides. “…It’s not over yet.”

“Always the one man resistance, aren’t you? You can kill him now.” The leader stated.

“Summon Bahamut NEO.” Yuuki gathered together a large portion of his remaining Magic Energy, focusing on the crimson dragon whose spirit he commanded.

Ooc: Well…Zack did it. >.>

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
OoC: Scar, I thought your character's last name was Kyuuen. o_o Anyway, here's my opening...thing. Probably not good.


Looking over the brilliant fields of grass and plains, along with the gorgeous sunshine, made the meadow in which the Chocobo’s lived a very beautiful place indeed. The girl whose eyes scanned the area with fierce determination, smiled at the quiet place. She had never really enjoyed battle and here, being one of the youngest doctors, was a place in which she could live away from the Mayakashi Military and not worry about the safety of the people around her. It was just a place that she could live peacefully with other people; help them to live out their lives as well. Not to mention, she loved Chocobo’s and healing them [and getting paid for it] wasn’t too bad at all.

The girl’s brown hair blew in the wind as she stood on a hill overlooking the Chocobo’s Plains and the small town in which she lived. Her home was probably gone, as was her family, but she knew that she couldn’t sit around on her butt and not to anything. She was a person of action and if she was ever going to get any justice for her younger brother, she had to press on forward and walk with her own two feet. Some people don’t have the ability to do whatever they want, but she does. She has two strong legs and like her father used to tell her everyday, she was finally getting up and using them to their fullest ability.

She jumped off the cliff to the mountain below and started to run as quick as she could. Her ten minute break was over and she had to get back to the hospital to check on her rounds as fast as she could. Not to mention, there was probably someone waiting for her to get back so she could heal them quickly and they could get on with their lives. Running barefoot was great in the plains. They had such soft grass and beautiful flowers that running through was so much fun. She only wished that more people had time to enjoy that simple pleasure, but with it being breeding season for the Chocobo’s, no one in the small town had anytime to do anything but care for their pets.

The girl simply sighed and ran up to the hospital door, dashing inside and under the bench. She heard several nurses yelling at her to stop running, but she knew that they wouldn’t try to challenge her to make her stop. She had to be the most powerful person in the town and no one would dare cross her. A girl could definitely get use to being feared by every person in town, including all the guys.

“Mycelia! What are you doing running through my hospital?!”

The girl, now known as the dangerous Mycelia, stopped in her tracks at the voice. Only one person dared to tell her to stop and that was the owner and main doctor of the minute hospital. It was him. Her crush and all out cute boy of the city. Ryuichi Daishi.

Mycelia turned to him, scratching her head in embarrassment. “You see, Ryu, I wasn’t actually running, I was actually trying to get to my shift at the healing center by walking really, really fast. I promise!”

Ryu, being of sound mind, knew that she was lying. He had known her for almost three years and he knew that she was trying to get out of something again. He rubbed his hand through his dark brown hair and sighed. Sometimes he really wondered if Mycelia was actually sixteen when she acted like a two year old. “Lying gets you nowhere, Mycelia. And I was your age once, you know. I know all the tricks about getting around and lying.”

Mycelia frowned. He wasn’t that much older than her. She assumed that three years gave people of a higher stature more to brag about. Something else that bothered her was that he had called her by her first full name twice. “Something wrong, Ryu? You called me by my full first name. Why?”

He sighed again, but revealed a smile this time. “No…nothing is wrong, Lia. I promise.”

She smiled. “Yay, that’s more like it!” Mycelia walked over and hugged him. “Remember, you can always talk to me when there is something wrong, right?”

Ryu nodded. “Yeah, now go ahead to the Healing Center. I think I’ve made you late again today.”

Mycelia backed up away from him and ran down the hall, winding the corner sharply. She smiled before she completely disappeared.

Ryu clutched an item in his pocket, feeling the clutch of the gun. He couldn’t do it, at least not today. But eventually, he would have to kill her and discover the True Magic that she wielded. Of course, Ryuichi Daishi had learned all of the tricks of the warriors who were against the Mayakashi Military and Mycelia Tomozaku was no different. He would kill her when she fully trusted him. That would take some time, but he would and could do it.

And afterward, he’d kill himself.


‘…Just take the pain away
I just don’t want you to stay.
These feelings are just too unbearable
The pain I feel is just way too terrible.

So, please just take…the pain…away….’

The strings of the guitar hummed lightly after the calming voice came to a soft stop. Two oddly coloured eyes stared out into the distance and the guitar was lay across the denim clad lap of the young woman. Her orange and blue streaked hair swam in the light breeze and if not for the goggles would have obscured her view completely. She batted them away with a slender and which was then replaced upon the canines back that lay at her side.

A blue eyed silver wolf lay at her side; head nestled comfortably in her lap without a care in the world. Its paws, the tip of its tail and the rims of its eyes and nose were coloured an artic white, where as the rest of its being was covered in different shades of silver and grey. It whined lightly and buried its face lovingly into its friends lap.

“Man, I need to come up with a better rhythm. Aisha deserves a better melody than that, heh. Heck she would have smashed my guitar to pieces by now, eh Kuja.” Her voice was like a melody, light yet commanding and always portrayed in a sing song kind of way.

The wolf seemed to shake its head and planted a loving lick on the hand that was holding the guitar in Kai’s lap. She smiled in return and resumed her petting of the thick fur. “Y’don’t have to lie to me, Kuja. Ever since she died, the songs just aren’t coming to me. I just…can’t get the rhythm. It’s like she was my rhythm, and now she’s just gone.”

Another whimper from the canine at her side and he rose to his feet and picked the guitar up between its jaws. It bumped its head against Kai’s face and growled lightly as if wanting her to play some more. She knew she had him, but it still didn’t remedy the loss of her sister. It happened a while ago, but every time the youngster played the instrument, she realized that her talent with a guitar was not what it used to be.


She got to her feet and pried the guitar from the wolf’s mouth, giving the canine a pat on the head before she walked off towards the grazing, black Chocobo some distance away. “Sean, come’ ere boy!” She called out to the oblivious Chocobo.

She grabbed hold of Sean’s reigns and pulled herself onto his back. They both moved a little trying to get use to the familiar, yet unfamiliar positioning before Kai tugged on the reigns and Sean pranced off followed closely by Kuja whose legs were strong enough to keep up even with the fastest of creatures.

“Arcane is not far away, Kuja. At least there I feel at home.”


The tides of battle had turned rather quickly. The proud Mayakashi Military soldiers, once in complete control of the situation, were now facing down a massive crimson dragon capable of wiping them out in a single blast of its mighty Giga Flare. Despite their efforts to shoot it out of the sky, their bullets had little to no effect on the monstrosity, merely bouncing off of its bloodred hyde. Thus, it continued its ascention into the sky, spreading its rather elaborate black wings as it elevated itself mere yards behind the balcony Yuuki was perched atop. Barring the gleaming white daggers it called teeth, Bahamut Neo then opened its impressive jaws and let loose a spine-chilling roar which somehow managed to shake the ground itself. Yuuki stood in front of the dragonic entity, hands at his sides and Masamune sheathed once again. His face reflected no emotion other than coldhearted rage.

"Bahamut Neo...Giga Flare!" Yuuki commanded viciously.

The soldiers of Mayakashi scattered as Bahamut Neo summoned its own internal energy in preparation for its devastating counterstrike. The full moon seemed to shine brighter for the occassion, casting golden rays of light upon both the Military Headquarters and Bahamut Neo's winged back. Though Yuuki and his adversaries remained enshrouded by the darkness, having been completely engulfed in the dragon's own shadow. However, the dismal void was very soon thereafter illuminated as Bahamut's crimson variation completed the neccessary preparations taken before launching its signature Giga Flare attack.

A simply monumental sphere comprising entirely of golden energy materialized in between Bahamut Neo's two widespread jaws. The beast took aim as the military officers tried in vain to escape its terrible wrath. For even as they made a mad dash for the innermost reaches of the headquarters, they were still not protected from the Giga Flare. Bahamut Neo expelled every last bit of its stored energy from its body, launching it toward the stronghold with unbelievable amounts of force. The very second it came into contact with the cold, hard steel of Mayakashi's base, a massive explosion was generated instantaneously. It completely erradicated a large portion of the complex, obliterating those who had previously pursued Yuuki.

Debris erupted in every direction, and the balcony Yuuki was standing on began a sudden descent to the planet below. He had, however, anticipated this the moment he called Bahamut Neo to the field of battle. Before it gained a dangerous amount of velocity, the plainclothes warrior kicked off the falling metal and performed a flawless backflip onto the body of Bahamut Neo. Shielded by its incredibly strong hyde, Yuuki was shielded from the flying chunks of heated metal as Bahamut followed previously distributed orders and lowered Yuuki to the ground outside of the electric fence separating him from the outside world.

Bahamut Neo swooped down over the top of the fence, whipping up gusts of wind rivalling those of a hurricane. A thick cloud of dust rose in its wake as the dragon flew its Summoner to the land which lay beyond the glorified prison of martial law constructed by Mayakashi. The surviving military officers continued their courageous- yet misguided- pursuit of Yuuki as he took to the skies atop the majestic beast. As the duo reached the limits of Mayakashi's reach, Yuuki leapt from his perch and shattered his mental bond with Bahamut Neo. Landing in a crouched position in the gravel below his feet, he watched as his Summon dissipated into thin air, once again leaving him alone on his escape from Mayakashi's death grip.

Damnit...these guys don't give up, do they? Yuuki inquired of himself, returning to his feet and turning his focus point back toward Mayakashi Military Headquarters.

A spotlight was shined directly in Yuuki's deep brown eyes, allowing for him to catch sight of the surviving soldiers flooding out of the military base, no doubt still in hot pursuit of him. Though it meant nothing to Yuuki, for he had anticipated such a negative eventuality. Diving out of the search light's line of sight, he planted his hands firmly in the ground and used them to push himself back up to his feet, making absolutely certain not to waste even the smallest second of his precious time. The instant his spiked shoes hit the gravel, he began a mad sprint for a nearby bush. As he did this, he once again found himself deflecting the soldiers' bullets with his Masamune, simply not willing to give in to fatigue. He then dove behind the bush, and for one brief moment all was silent. The night air stood calm for that glorious second during which the ceasefire took place, and Yuuki's blade remained motionless. All that lived in the vicinity seemed to await his next move eagerly; all eyes were on that bush.

When suddenly Yuuki shattered the all too brief silence as he burst from his current post, though he did so atop the seat of a moterized bike; a motercycle, in other words. At blinding speeds he tore up the wasteland surrounding Mayakashi's stronghold, having managed to do what no other soldier could. Never once looking back towards the dismal headquarters from whenst he came, the youthful warrior sped toward his next destination; the metropolis of Maykashi itself.

Ooc: TOTALLY not a Final Fantasy 7 ripoff. >.> <.< Seriously though...I swear it'll be gone within my next two posts, and will never be brought up again. It's just...it was either he ride on a motercycle, Bahamut Neo, or on foot. Of the three, this was the most logical considering he's being chased by soldiers.

The Burnt Shadow

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
"What is the purpose of my life in this planet?"

"Does my life still have meaning and value to others?"

"Do I deserve to live?"

These were one of the few questions that haunted my mind. Everywhere I went, I was engulfed with an ocean of pescimisstic questions. I sat quietly in a room of an inn, thinking deeply. I was in Aeronautics Inn, a rival world of Mayakashi. I sat in my bed and took a cup of sweet concentrated wine that I ordered downstairs. I then took a good look at my velvet nightmare, it was one of my most prized personal possessions. But I soon turned my attention to a blood stained wedding ring around my neck. My eyes were soon hypnotized by the blood stains of the ring. I have lost someone so precious to me and it wasn't that Mayakashi's fault, it was mine. I closed my eyes and recalled the very event that haunted my dreams.

It wasn't so long ago, I was a former lowly grunt of the Mayakashi Military. I was given permission to leave, as long as I did one job for them. I had to find a person to replace my position with. I had only twenty four hours to look. I searched and searched and was dreadfully running out of time. I soon found out a person who could replace me, unfortunately, it was someone who was close to my heart, my sister. I just needed a single shot that would knock her out, but I was hesitant. Was I willing to surrender my sister's freedom, for my own. My answer was simple and quick. I soon brought my knocked out sister to the Mayakashi Military for my freedom. It was done, I was allowed to leave the hollow halls of the Mayakashi Military.

Before I left, I came to the place where I found her. I soon discovered that she was actually a married mother. I was shocked by this revelation. I just took someone from thier family. I then decided to tell her husband that I brought her to the Mayakashi Military. I was very hesitant, I came to him and tried to tell him what I did. I told him that I was his wife's brother but just babbled about my crime. I was too scared to tell him what I did. Finally I got the courage to tell him, but telling him came with a price. As soon as I told him, he moved back with horror. I anticipated his action and instantly took out my velvet nightmare and shot him in the heart. Seeing the murder I commited, I fell on the floor crying. Soon I heard another cry from a room. A baby aging only eleven months years old, was crying in a cradle.

I was shocked when I saw the child. Fearing that it mighty know about what I did to its mother and father, I aimed the mouth of my gun at its chest. I rubbed my finger at the trigger, but I couldn't I have done enough to this family. I took the child and left it in a home, where I home that it would be nurtured well by its foster parents. After this, I wandered the land looking for salvation. But as I roamed, I discovered an aura of hatred surging within me. After a few months, I heard that the foster parents, whom I left my niece with, where killed by the Mayakashi Military. The girl was taken by the military. As soon as these news reached my ears, I screamed and cursed the world for this torture.

The family of my sister, ruined because of my selfishness of freedom. I needed a way to redeem myself, I began to often attend churches and do a few jobs that included the well being for the people. There were a lot of jobs the Mayakashi were offering, but I highly declined.

As soon as I opened my eyes I saw that it was late. I already paid for my two day stay in the hotel and now was the time for me to leave. I left a small sack of coins and left the hotel through the window. I took a deep breath out of the night sky and began to wonder where would I go next...