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Final Fantasy


My Final Fantasy VII (PS) has been destroyed ( I don't want to get into details). Suddenly I have had this urge to replay Final Fantasy VII but I can't. So I looked for Final Fantasu VII (PS) on ebay and a good complete copy cost 70-80$ which I don't exactly have right now. Then I saw Final Fantasy VII for the PC, for around 20$ on ebay, know were talking. Problem is I don't understand if there are any differences between the versions. Mainly story line boss, monsters and things like this. I dont want anything in the game to be diluted ( I don't care if the graphics and sound are different though ). So if anyone could tell me then that would be great.


I'm not asking about where I can get a cheaper price and I am asking about how much the PS version compares to the PC version.


Thank you Come again
I bought Final Fantasy VII and VIII on PC about a year or so ago. I am running Final Fantasy VII quite well with XP. I would reccomend it if you can get through some of the problems that come up. However, you can easily fix this with patches.


Dungeon Master
More specifically, there are a few drivers that you can download to make VII and VIII work with almost any Windows configuration.

Obviously, if you can get it for the Playstation for a decent price, do so.


Yeah I am trying to find a decently price Playstation version but I don't have any extra money, so I have to wait.