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Finding Bagon in Emerald

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Sera Kureseria
I'm looking for a couple of Bagon on Emerald, and I'm wondering which room in Meteor Falls it's in. Allt he Dex says is "deep within Meteor falls", which really doesn't help me. I COULD just trade from my Ruby oir Sapphire cartridges, but I like the experience all the wild pokémon give.
Sorry if this is a waste of time,


Back I guess??
You don´t remember where you got it in Ruby/Sapphire? Well, you need to use Waterfall and then look for a cave deep in the Meteor falls that has nothing inside, just a lake. Use Surf after you reach the other side you´ll just need luck to find Bagon.


Sera Kureseria
Oh, so it's still there? I thought it may have changed location. *giggle* I got the R/S strategy guide, so I can find most pokémon in R/S, but since the appearance ratios changed in Emerald I wasn't sure if Bagon was still there.

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
The bad thing with the Bagon is the fact that it's usually over the level at which they evolve into shelgon, yet they're still bagon. You can find some that are below lv 30 (evolves into shelgon at that lv.) level it up once, and it should evolve. I'm training a Shelgon right now myself. Slowgoing, with EXP. Share AND at the top of the list.


Sera Kureseria
Eh, it's good experience fighting all the Golbat and such for whoever I'm trying to evolve at the time. Thanks for the help!


The BEST zone to find a Bagon in Meteor Falls is in the room with the pool of water with the TM Dragon Claw to the top of the map. That's the only room I know that has it.
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