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Finding Raikou

Legendary Raikou

Well-Known Member
Ok. Ive been searching with max repels on route 10 for a while now and no sign of Raikou. Ive been usuing a Lv. 39 in the first slot in my party. Is there something I should be doing different? I mean ive cought Raikou a long time ago but I can't quite figure out what im doing wrong. Can somebody please help me!

Legendary star

Well-Known Member
Just don't worry about it. Do what you usually do, battle, catch, evolve. It'll appear sometime. It took me about 400 hours of play time before I first encountered Entei. But if you really want to find Raikou that bad, then start at Pallet Town and go through every single blade of grass until you've walked through all the reigon. Don't go into any buildings (Caves count) and don't fly anywhere.


Well-Known Member
get into a patch of grass and save. fight 7-10 battles. if you haven't found raikou, then soft reset and try again in that same patch of grass until he magically appears.


OG Trainer
Yeah there are some things you can change that will help. First off make sure you get a high level wobafett. Then You just keep following him aroung using your dex or If you havent found him then you will just have to run into him.


Well-Known Member
just keep looking. Go around the mewtwo cave. Thats where I founnd mine.


Fear him!
I aslo found my Raikou and Entei (different save files) around Mewtwo's cave. Then again, I traded whatever dog from Collouseum(sp?) to this game so I hunted it and that is where I found them. Oh, and just because you found it in one place on one save file, don't expect it to be exactly where it was last time.


I fly to Vermillion city, go up to Route 6. Put a lvl.39 or so Pokemon in the first slot of your party, then use a Max Repel. Raikou is not there? go to the Underground Path, then exit to Route 6 (just enter then leave). Do the same thing again and again. After like 10-14 minutes, you will encounter Raikou. I've done this in three different game and it was always successful. My average number of Max Repel used is 15, so bring 20 to be sure.
Good Luck!


Natsu no Maboroshi
You have to look and be patient...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, try to go around Kanto and you will find it, maybe it could take some time, but you can find him, good luck!!


Powerplay Champion
Have someone trade it to you first... so you can figure out where he is..., then it's just a guessing game as to where he'll appear...
keep on checking the pokedex, and try to predict where he'll go next


Ok. Ive been searching with max repels on route 10 for a while now and no sign of Raikou. Ive been usuing a Lv. 39 in the first slot in my party. Is there something I should be doing different? I mean ive cought Raikou a long time ago but I can't quite figure out what im doing wrong. Can somebody please help me!
My method is similar to yours:

1. Get a Pokemon at or below level 49. Put it first in your party.
2. Buy a Max Repel.
3. Go to any patch of grass, any route.
4. In the patch of grass, equip the Bicycle.
5. Use a Max Repel.
6. Save.
7. Bike around in the grass until the Max Repel runs out.
8. If Raikou doesn't appear, soft reset. (A + B + Start + Select)
9. Repeat steps 7-9.


Well-Known Member
i've found him on route 11