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Fire Emblem Heroes: Steampunk 776


Well-Known Member
I do hope it's an FE6 banner and that it gets treated better than Thracia's. Seriously I don't get why IS didn't think Leif, Nanna, and Finn on a banner together wouldn't sell despite Finn being very popular. But nah let's just make two alts that are dressed exactly the same as their original counterparts but with a master sword and a tome that doesn't exist. I get Thracia 776 is an obscure entry in FE but still.

Saias was pretty cool to get at least.
I can see them being worried about it since Leif is either not known at all or only known for how much he sucks, and comparatively no one would really know who Finn & Nanna are. They had seemingly enough worrys-as-is for banners of recent games with popular characters that they put in a special alt of an established character, so apply that to Thracia you know

but being so worried they had to put both Olwen & Reinhardt on it is ridiculous.

Thankfully they...seem...better right now. We haven't had non-seasonal alts in a bit and they're letting banners stand on their own. Ideally a new FE6 or even FE5 banner would follow suit and have ... someone!


perpetually tired
I'm fine Olwen got an alt since OG!Olwen was just bad Reinhardt without proper support and IVs. Reinhardt really didn't need an alt and Finn getting TT statline is unfortunate.


Well-Known Member
I'm fine Olwen got an alt since OG!Olwen was just bad Reinhardt without proper support and IVs. Reinhardt really didn't need an alt and Finn getting TT statline is unfortunate.
I'm generally not pro-alt but sure Olwen kind of got the shaft. It's really funny how they clearly thought Olwen was the premiere unit on that banner and rein was just sloppyseconds. So if she had been the one who got the alt it'd be frustrating but, I get it. But instead she and reinhardt. If Rein had a fancier outfit I honestly think he'd have been a LEgendary unit.

Finn's statline honestly isn't bad, though. He just has Standard Cav Build. Like compare Finn (Top), with Quan, Silas, Oscar & Roderick
40, 34, 33, 32, 18
44, 37, 29, 31, 16
40, 35, 24, 36, 21
40, 33, 34, 26, 21
40, 31, 34, 25, 24

I think he should've been in the banner, sure, but stat wise he's honestly fine. I think the only thing he got robbed of was a fancy brave lance with more power and his name on it.

btw we passed the Hinata raid goal. I think this whole event's a neat idea but the end result being one (1) free 4* unit for 10 million uses is weird. Like could've been 2 is all I'm saying...


Strong Winds
Staff member
Super Mod
btw we passed the Hinata raid goal. I think this whole event's a neat idea but the end result being one (1) free 4* unit for 10 million uses is weird. Like could've been 2 is all I'm saying...

Could you imagine them giving us two 4* Black Knights in one of these? I'd merge those so fast. But yeah as nice as it is to have Fury, a single 4* Hinata for this goal is honestly not that exciting. I hope the next few ones give us something more interesting, I know that limited units are on the line here too but I would love if we got just about any of the 4-5* units out of this, they're at least more uncommon and almost all have decently useful fodder.


"What the hell...?"
Hurray, I can finally complete my Clair's Fury 2 issue to use her in real teams!

Sonic Boom

@JohanSSB4 Twitter
If I can't have a Desperation seal, I'll improvise:



Starfish synergizes with Bold Fighter, so Kagero gets to pelt people relentlessly and get the cooldown bonuses. And get a few more stat points too from refinement. Stupid stuff. Tempest should be a blast.


Well-Known Member
Could you imagine them giving us two 4* Black Knights in one of these? I'd merge those so fast. But yeah as nice as it is to have Fury, a single 4* Hinata for this goal is honestly not that exciting. I hope the next few ones give us something more interesting, I know that limited units are on the line here too but I would love if we got just about any of the 4-5* units out of this, they're at least more uncommon and almost all have decently useful fodder.
Do we know who the TT unit for this is? I could see it being one of the 2 seasonals, since they didn't get reruns in that one tempest


"Orange" Magical Girl
Do we know who the TT unit for this is? I could see it being one of the 2 seasonals, since they didn't get reruns in that one tempest
Nope and same goes for the GHB unit too. As mentioned earlier, I'm speculating on two GHB's (or another fodder unit) and one Tempest unit, that being a seasonal like you mentioned.

Sonic Boom

@JohanSSB4 Twitter
Get your free Hinata tomorrow.

And get your mages ready. Next challenge is to run them 30 million times for a Berkut.


Well-Known Member
Get your free Hinata tomorrow.

And get your mages ready. Next challenge is to run them 30 million times for a Berkut.
Berkut's kind of a random one to select for this...guess it's for extra copies of his lance. It's a pretty good lance for defensive builds.

Also double checking his skillset I forgot he was the only unit with Water Boost. If the game was ever interested in adding a ton of trash units at once they should throw more boost skills in there for flavor.
I may not ever use Earth Boost but I at least appreciate that Boey has it


Well-Known Member
It's sad Jagen is Berkut but easily mergeable to +10.
Jagen's only good stat is resistance, I'll take Berkut every time.

Jagen should get a special weapon that's just Berkut's Lance+ but the special refine is resistance version of heavy/flashing blade.

Also wow I'm an idiot. I somehow didn't notice Barrier Blade is just Berkut's Lance but for swords. Keeping that locked to a GHB is weird, put him in the summoning pool imo


"What the hell...?"
So I think my 4* Tailtiu with SPD+ RES- is actually ideal, because the DEF bane is a superbane and really pushes her somewhat average defense too low. It's like she becomes like Delthea's sucky DEF.


Well-Known Member
So I think my 4* Tailtiu with SPD+ RES- is actually ideal, because the DEF bane is a superbane and really pushes her somewhat average defense too low. It's like she becomes like Delthea's sucky DEF.
17 defense is aggressively not average what are you on about. Girl dies to a light breeze as-is, at least make sure she can maybe take a magic hit


"What the hell...?"
17 defense is aggressively not average what are you on about. Girl dies to a light breeze as-is, at least make sure she can maybe take a magic hit
Yeah, but the bane pushes her DEF to 13. She'll keel over to any physical fighter looking funny at her. At least 17 DEF can let her live.

Either she runs Fury 3 to somehow patch that and run Desperation 3, or Darting Blow 3.


You ask too many questions
Staff member
Intsys give Tailtiu wrath you cowards. It was her shining point in 4.


You ask too many questions
Staff member
It's honestly dependent on what you're using the unit for. If you're hampering a unit's best stats or not utilizing them then that's where it falls in the "not good" area. But you can take almost any unit with almost any nature and fix it, it's why we have multiple +stat seals at this point.

Overall Res matters more just because DC is technically more available, but units with low defense tend to be designed where you don't want them in situations where they're taking physical hits in the first place. Gacha tiers change all the time too, and while Heroes isn't as powercreeped as most it's not like it doesn't happen.


"Orange" Magical Girl
At 3.25%, I was given Halloween Niles with IVs of +Res, -Def. Well, I guess having some more tankiness to Magic helps but still. With that said, I really wished I pulled him first instead of trying on the four other red orbs to increase the pity rate higher after the session but one of those orbs had Selena which was cool. Now my Helbindi has Reposition haha.

Still want H!Kagero though and I think I can accept not getting ArMyrrh now even if she would compliment my other armored dragons.