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Fire Emblem Heroes: Steampunk 776


"Orange" Magical Girl
Managed to get a free Julia today! That’s another 5 star unit that’s going to benefit from the fix to flaws since I merged her into my +Res, -HP one.

Still thinking about who to give Zanboto from my bad Gray after I got a better one. Perhaps I’ll give it to Hana so she has a weapon to slice armors and horses.


Well-Known Member
As a reminder, the GHB Elite 1 quests expire in 35 days, which I think ties in when their respective GHBs are going to be shuffled out.

If you haven't completed the quests and beaten their Infernals, best get on it.


"What the hell...?"
I got a 4* Eirika from the Tactics banner.

...One that suspiciously has SPD+ RES- right before I hit my feather limit in a day.

It's a sign.


Well-Known Member
I got a 4* Eirika from the Tactics banner.

...One that suspiciously has SPD+ RES- right before I hit my feather limit in a day.

It's a sign.
+Speed Eirikas are just one of many units I wish had access to a speed-based special.

Speaking of feathers I just cashed in a ton last night since it was near 160k and melee trainnig map day. Burnt through a lot of blues: Effie, Roderick, Lukas and Oscar. Once I get them some fodder I'll distribute blessings...for some reason lances ar ea big gap in my blessed line ups.

I am like 2000 feathers away from 80k so once the gauntlet ends tonight I'll promote one of my Tharjas. I've got two option for +speed, -HP or -Def. I'm thinking -Def but how much HP is worth in relation to the defensive stats I can never quite gauge.

You know, even with all the blues I had on hand...I still do not have an ideal nature for Abel, Catria, Cordelia, or Mae. Florina I've had a +def/-hp one earmarked for a while now, so certain I'd bite the bullet, but I'm still not sure if I should aim for attack or speed more, even with her new weapon. I'll see how my hunt for Nailah goes, I guess.


Well-Known Member
I like these people:


I hope things like this become more common because unless you really go hard on defense teams, a lot of people are probably going to lose.
At this point I've redesigned my defense team to be a little more than braindead, but still pretty easy. If you're going to beat me, at least enjoy a break from the other try hards full of horses and dancers and flying azuras and...


"What the hell...?"
That Eirika I mentioned was promoted.

Hoo boy, she needs help for that low neutral ATK stat. I'm giving her Fury 3, Desperation 3, refining Sieglinde, and giving her Blazing Wind. Maybe she'll like Flashing Blade.

I also finished L!Azura's Abyssal difficulty running a F2P guide. Shame the 4* Olivia I had isn't neutral, so that messed things up a bit near the end, but I managed to pull it off.


perpetually tired
That Eirika I mentioned was promoted.

Hoo boy, she needs help for that low neutral ATK stat. I'm giving her Fury 3, Desperation 3, refining Sieglinde, and giving her Blazing Wind. Maybe she'll like Flashing Blade.

I also finished L!Azura's Abyssal difficulty running a F2P guide. Shame the 4* Olivia I had isn't neutral, so that messed things up a bit near the end, but I managed to pull it off.
Would Attack Tactics 3 help? I don't know how Sieglinde works, but I'm wondering if she can buff someone with AT3 and then, per Sieglinde's effect, copy that buff for herself.


Well-Known Member
Would Attack Tactics 3 help? I don't know how Sieglinde works, but I'm wondering if she can buff someone with AT3 and then, per Sieglinde's effect, copy that buff for herself.
That's how it works provided she's in the appropriate range when attacking


"Orange" Magical Girl
Did one last pull much earlier today and...


Young S!Tiki is +Att, -Spd which is kind of painful to see since that’s a superbane. This new L!Azura is +Res, -Def so I might merge my first one into this new L!Azura or fodder the first one to my B!Ninian for B Duel Flying.


"What the hell...?"
Trailer is here!

Tibarn is a red beast flier and provides the alternate version of Death Blow 4 as Sturdy Impact, with +2 ATK less...at the real benefit of adding +10 DEF and nullifying enemy follow-up.

Leanne is a blue beast flier and pretty much a cheaper version of L!Azura, but instead, Leanne is the one who can move three spaces and can heal 7 HP to nearby allies in two turns. Also, she's the only source for Hone Beasts. (Then again, three out of four beasts are also fliers, so...)

Reyson is a green beast flier and strangely enough has less skills than his sister (and has Fortify Beasts instead). Some think he may actually demote...which is crazy, because he's a flying dancer, so we'll see.

Then we have Nailah, a grounded (infantry, I guess) blue beast, the shiny one next to Tibarn because she laughs at Dazzling Staff and status effects with the new Null C-Disrupt 3 skill comboing with her own Distant Counter skill. Oh, and she has a Gravity+ effect through Glare.

And Naesala is the next GHB unit two days later.
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Well-Known Member

I love all of them. I will try my best to get all of them. Look at those skill trees, it's crazy. And Reyson might drop, even!
The notice board says that the next GHB will be Naesala


"What the hell...?"
Trailer is here!

Tibarn is a red beast flier and provides the alternate version of Death Blow 4 as Sturdy Impact, with +2 ATK less...at the real benefit of adding +10 DEF and nullifying enemy follow-up.

Leanne is a blue beast flier and pretty much a cheaper version of L!Azura, but instead, Leanne is the one who can move three spaces and can heal 7 HP to nearby allies in two turns. Also, she's the only source for Hone Beasts. (Then again, three out of four beasts are also fliers, so...)

Reyson is a green beast flier and strangely enough has less skills than his sister (and has Fortify Beasts instead). Some think he may actually demote...which is crazy, because he's a flying dancer, so we'll see.

Then we have Nailah, a grounded (infantry, I guess) blue beast, the shiny one next to Tibarn because she laughs at Dazzling Staff and status effects with the new Null C-Disrupt 3 skill comboing with her own Distant Counter skill. Oh, and she has a Gravity+ effect through Glare.

And Naesala is the next GHB unit two days later.
Added info to the post.

Nailah is pretty insane, Tibarn is literally a hawk on steroids, and the Heron siblings are crazy good singers with 3-movement range when transformed (unless you think Wings of Mercy 3 competes against that).

Too bad I won't hunt any of them down past the free summon session. I'm a Legendary Banner only person.


Well-Known Member
Tibarn's A skill is insane.
It is really impressive they managed to power creep Death Blow 4 already
Like why would you ever go out of your way to get +8 when you can get +6 attack, +10 defense AND prevent follow ups.