Trailer is here!
Tibarn is a red beast flier and provides the alternate version of Death Blow 4 as Sturdy Impact, with +2 ATK the real benefit of adding +10 DEF and nullifying enemy follow-up.
Leanne is a blue beast flier and pretty much a cheaper version of L!Azura, but instead, Leanne is the one who can move three spaces and can heal 7 HP to nearby allies in two turns. Also, she's the only source for Hone Beasts. (Then again, three out of four beasts are also fliers, so...)
Reyson is a green beast flier and strangely enough has less skills than his sister (and has Fortify Beasts instead). Some think he may actually demote...which is crazy, because he's a flying dancer, so we'll see.
Then we have Nailah, a grounded (infantry, I guess) blue beast, the shiny one next to Tibarn because she laughs at Dazzling Staff and status effects with the new Null C-Disrupt 3 skill comboing with her own Distant Counter skill. Oh, and she has a Gravity+ effect through Glare.
And Naesala is the next GHB unit two days later.