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Fire Emblem Series! - Remember your spoiler tags!


Well-Known Member
Assassins are terrible in every way possible and never should be used.

Swordmasters all the way.

What is wrong about using assassins? In everyone of my Sacred Stones playthroughs I make Joshua an assassin. Would he be significantly better as a swordmaster?


Busy with School
What is wrong about using assassins? In everyone of my Sacred Stones playthroughs I make Joshua an assassin. Would he be significantly better as a swordmaster?

Let's count the problems with Assassins, shall we?


1) Don't exist in FE6.

2) Exist in FE7, but only by using a ridiculously expensive item to promote characters with low strength growth into a class that is basically a subpar Myrmidon.

3) Exist in FE8 as an alternative to a class that can actually fight and a class that can actually steal things.

4) Have an ability that is ridiculously pointless and unlikely to activate.

5) Can not pick locks.

6) They're a melee class with only 20 Strength and no boost to criticals.

7) Suck.


In School
Let's count the problems with Assassins, shall we?


1) Don't exist in FE6.

2) Exist in FE7, but only by using a ridiculously expensive item to promote characters with low strength growth into a class that is basically a subpar Myrmidon.

3) Exist in FE8 as an alternative to a class that can actually fight and a class that can actually steal things.

4) Have an ability that is ridiculously pointless and unlikely to activate.

5) Can not pick locks.

6) They're a melee class with only 20 Strength and no boost to criticals.

7) Suck.

I agree but I believe they can use lockpicks (at least in FE8 they can). But rogues and swordmasters are way better...


Well-Known Member
I thought all characters could use lockpicks. And that solves it, no assassins for me. XD
At least they LOOK cool.

While recently playing Sword of Seals; WOW. Roy, you've earned quite a bit of respect after chapter 21 Gaiden.


Well-Known Member
Let's count the problems with Assassins, shall we?


1) Don't exist in FE6.

2) Exist in FE7, but only by using a ridiculously expensive item to promote characters with low strength growth into a class that is basically a subpar Myrmidon.

3) Exist in FE8 as an alternative to a class that can actually fight and a class that can actually steal things.

4) Have an ability that is ridiculously pointless and unlikely to activate.

5) Can not pick locks.

6) They're a melee class with only 20 Strength and no boost to criticals.

7) Suck.

Well I guess on my next playthrough I'll try swordmaster Joshua then. I only made him an assassin all those times is because I made Marisa a swordmaster and I like having as many classes represented as possible. I guess I'll make Colm and assassin since his strength is always so low anyway (well for me anyways). Silencer activation is never a rare occurrence in my experience, but its still not close to being reliable (though it has kicked in during important moments).
Well I guess on my next playthrough I'll try swordmaster Joshua then. I only made him an assassin all those times is because I made Marisa a swordmaster and I like having as many classes represented as possible. I guess I'll make Colm and assassin since his strength is always so low anyway (well for me anyways). Silencer activation is never a rare occurrence in my experience, but its still not close to being reliable (though it has kicked in during important moments).

Joshua - Swordmaster
Marisa - Swordmaster
Colm - Assassin, but only if you recruit Rennac.


Well-Known Member
^Yes that is what I was planning on doing since if I don't get Rennac I might not be able to get all the treasure chests if colm is an assassin and I run out of lockpicks and keys.


FC: 4428-2451-8791
I'm sure Assassins can use Lock picks in both FE8 and FE7.

I remember using a promoted Matthew to open one of the boss doors early in the second to last chappie.

They can't steal though : (

But I agree, SM > Assassin.


Busy with School
Whoops, you guys are right. Assassins can use lockpicks, but they can't Steal.

Rogues are still better in every way possible though.


Busy with School
Kill them. It's not that hard.


FC: 4428-2451-8791
I admit, I have trouble with them, you can either have as many units as possible wait by the door and kill as many as you can before they move, or rescue Roy and make a blockade with your strongest units and then kill them on the next turn.

I can usually kill most of them before they move, though.


Well-Known Member
I found out that if you put a unit on the stairs, the reinforcements will be unavailable to dispatch. Which really helped, obviously. Now, to take out all 50 of these mamkutes in Chapter 24...


Haters Gonna Hate
Assasins can only use Lockpicks if they promoted from a Theif iirc (once did some hacking in the FE universe a LONG while back) and the Ability to use Lockpicks is coded into the charecter iirc, like how Triangle Attacks are Charecter Coded, not Class coded.


Well-Known Member
Huh, I didn't know that. I never tried the Barth/Wendy/Bors triangle attack in FE6. Shame, its one of the easier ones to pull off.

We'll all stick to Rogues and thieves anyway for our lockpicking and stealing, am I right?


FC: 4428-2451-8791
I found out that if you put a unit on the stairs, the reinforcements will be unavailable to dispatch. Which really helped, obviously. Now, to take out all 50 of these mamkutes in Chapter 24...

Really? You can do that with any tiles that units spawn. (Unless they come in from the side of the screen, that's a different event.)


Well-Known Member
Wow, really? That's pretty awesome, especially for FE6 where the reinforcements move as soon as they're dispatched.

Well, I started FE7, made it to Chapter 7X. I gotta say, I love following the characters in this story. It feels like a tight-knit group from an Anime!

And I love how much better Pegasus Knights are in this game than in the last one. Go, florina, go!


In School
^The peg knights are beastly in FE7. I kinda regret not using them in my first playthough, but that was when I thought the pre-promotes were better...