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Fire Emblem Series! - Remember your spoiler tags!

Sonic Boom

@JohanSSB4 Twitter
TGS Conference footage just revealed a few seconds of gameplay elements of a traditonal Fire Emblem game: player characters move with on an arrow-guided path, and are stoppd by obstacles, highlighted in red. Perhaps the rumor from a few weeks ago is true!


Well-Known Member
TGS Conference footage just revealed a few seconds of gameplay elements of a traditonal Fire Emblem game: player characters move with on an arrow-guided path, and are stoppd by obstacles, highlighted in red. Perhaps the rumor from a few weeks ago is true!

Now let's hope they bring this one to Europe and America.


Eh, ragazzo!
Now let's hope they bring this one to Europe and America.
Let us pray for that.

It sounds interesting, and I guess we get a taste of the sixth canon.

1: Marth
2: 4/5
3: Roy
4: Sacred Stones
5: Ike
6: 3DS game

Sonic Boom

@JohanSSB4 Twitter



Unless this new character is introduced in the canon the same fashion Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade were introduced in Radiant Dawn, it seems that this is in an entirely new canon.

I'm playing a new RD file for the hell of it, on Easy Mode. Apparently, Easy Mode gives me insane amount of luck in stat increases; Micaiah is level 16 and her SPEED stat has capped off, LOL



The protagonist's name is apparently Chrome, and the names of two other people are seen; I'm guessing it's "Uiku" and "Fureteriku?"

Nice to see some innovation in this game to. The 2v1 function sounds like it could be fun and would be a clever extension of the Support system. Here's hoping the enemies are much more difficult to compensate for the doubling up.
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Eh, ragazzo!
There are also shots of the game on Fire Emblem Wiki as well as information on Serenes Forest. Be sure to click the 3DS tab on the left as well as look at the top of the news headings.

I'm really hoping for this in America (and Europe I guess).


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the enemies will be able to gang up on allies too?

I'm really hoping for this in America (and Europe I guess).

If America gets it but not Europe, I'm buying an American 3DS.

Then again, if Europe gets it but not America, I'm sure you'll all go Operation Snowstorm on us. :p


Well-Known Member
Wow, school's kept me a little TOO busy for me not to see this.
I now wanna buy a 3DS even more. Looks graphically similar to PoR/RD. Intelligent Systems, lets hope the new paper mario isn't the ONLY thing you release soon...


Rev up those fryers
Looks like Ike just got kicked out of Smash Bros. Hello, Krom!
I think my week just got better. <3 I'd die if they didn't release this in North America, honestly. This will be my favourite 3DS game ever when it comes out. <3


Rev up those fryers
Assuming that everyone doesn't hate his character, and/or the new games don't have room for both. Isn't Ike just as, if not more, popular as Marth in Japan?

Seeing how the current FE lord in Melee (Roy) got replaced with the current FE lord in Brawl (Ike), then it makes sense to assume they would replace Ike with Krom now.


Eh, ragazzo!
Looks like Ike just got kicked out of Smash Bros. Hello, Krom!
That would be making an assumption based on a game (SSB4) that isn't coming out for a while. The game of question does not have to take Ike out. Since they're working with new technology, the might shoot for a further goal. I don't want to say anything just yet.

Also, Blazios, do you need any help with that US 3DS? :p


Rev up those fryers
That would be making an assumption based on a game (SSB4) that isn't coming out for a while. The game of question does not have to take Ike out. Since they're working with new technology, the might shoot for a further goal. I don't want to say anything just yet.

Well I assume Fire Emblem will be released well before Smash Bros.

I never liked Ephraim or Eirika. They were so bland. Aside from the incest.

The wha? o_O


Well-Known Member
Seeing how the current FE lord in Melee (Roy) got replaced with the current FE lord in Brawl (Ike), then it makes sense to assume they would replace Ike with Krom now.

Ike is far, far more popular than Roy was, Roy was only put in Melee to promote the unreleased FE6 where as Ike's saga had already finished when Brawl came out.