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Fire! Fire! Nyahahaha!

??? What eye is messed up? NO eye is messed up to me.
Maybe you can add some more FIRE into the "fire", you know what I mean?


I believe the reason the one eye is black is just a shading issue - but in general, I'd say that the eyes look too close together for some reason.

Overall, it's a wonderful image - the fire is BEAUTIFUL. I agree with Magne, though;

Maybe you can add some more FIRE into the "fire", you know what I mean?
The fire's a little too see through.

Also, there's a wierd crinkle in the clothing on his left arm - where his armpit is, see it? Maybe you should make it darker?

I'm not too good at reviiewing art, so my opinion may not matter too much. Unless of course, an unpracticed eye is what can see the forest for the trees. -shrugs-

Good job, though.

;196; ~Chareon


You scratch my back and I scratch yours. Pyro kinetics are so cool. I could nitpick about stuff I don't like, but I hardly do that anymore ^^;

Overall this is pretty cool. I especially like that fire effect, you'll have to tell me how to do that.


Thank Photoshop. Normal zoom, New Layer, Freehand lasso tool, feathered 2 px, then Airbrushed with orange alllll over. A bubble-like area was deselected for the orange shade, then re-selected to airbrush the blue flame. All selections ar feathered 2px, as well. After that, just dotted with yellow/orange inside/near the flame, then did a vermilliony Outer Glow with a lot of size and spacing to make it really glow.
See? This is why you should get Photoshop! =P


Airbrushing <3

Oh, but I do have it, I just do not use it much, I'm so comfortable with the GIMP. Yeah, I'm weird.