In Kojiro's sig theres an ad for a frlg special.
Is this real? when is this happening if it is real? where can i find info on it
Alas, it is not true. Which sucks, because the FR/LG girl is really hawt.In Kojiro's sig theres an ad for a frlg special. Is this real? when is this happening if it is real? where can i find info on it
But then Red wakes up, and realizes that he's not as cool as Green, so he can't get with Blue.It was never shown because Red gets really attracted to Blue throughout the series and then there's this one episode where the two are in a poke-hotel and in the middle of the night Red is like, "SUPRISE BUTTSECKS!!!". They also show Blue in childbirth, which is like, bad and stuff.
Sorry to tell you, but it's not. And a note, don't believe anything in Kojiro's signature.>cries< i wasnt being sarcastic! Eye feal Stoopd!!!! it looked so real.
It's best to do some research before you start a thread. Kojiro told me not to spoil the joke however so I won't say anything else. There's more to the image.>cries< i wasnt being sarcastic! Eye feal Stoopd!!!! it looked so real.