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Fire red Team! Rmt


Feel The Chaos!
I have 2 teams i am working on atm, but this is what they'll be at lv 100 so pls rate and tell me what to improve on.

Team 1:

Charizard@No item
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Ace
-Bite(may remove)

Pidgeot@No item
-Aerial Ace
-Steel Wing

Lapras@No item
-Body Slam

Jolteon@No item
-Baton Pass

Annoyer Blissey set, Refresh when Status problem occurs.

Donphan@No item
-Double Edge
-Rock Slide

Team 2:

-Rock Slide

Charizard@No item
-Aerial Ace
-Hp Grass

Jolteon@No item
-Baton Pass

Lapras@No item
-Confuse Ray

Jumpluff@No item
-Giga Drain
-Sleep Powder
-Leech Seed
Annoying Hp recovering jumpluff

Dragonite@No item
-Dragon Claw
-Ice Beam

Plz rate.Thanks


so adorable...
I have 2 teams i am working on atm, but this is what they'll be at lv 100 so pls rate and tell me what to improve on.

Team 1:

Charizard@No item
-Rock Slide
-Aerial Aceor earthquake
-FlameThroweror fire blast/over heat/heat wave
-Bite(may remove)swords dance

Pidgeot@No item
-Quick Attack
-Aerial Ace
-Steel Wing

Lapras@No item
-Body Slamthunder bolt
-Singconfuse ray

Jolteon@No item
-Baton Pass

-Refreshheal bell
-EggBombice beam
Annoyer Blissey set, Refresh when Status problem occurs.

Donphan@No item
-Double Edge
-Rock Slide

Team 2:

-Rock Slide
-IceBeamdragon dance

Charizard@No item
-Aerial Ace
-Hp Grass

Jolteon@No item
-Baton Pass

Lapras@No item
-Confuse Ray

Jumpluff@No item
-Giga Drain
-Sleep Powder
-Leech Seed
Annoying Hp recovering jumpluff

Dragonite@No item
-Dragon Claw
-Ice Beam

Plz rate.Thanks

suggestions in bold, i cant think of some moves for the other ones im tired.
well, for one, you use charizard as a mixed sweeper, which are ususally bad, b/c you have to share eps. And bite wont get you very far, but chars special attacks are limited, so meh. and you have a modest nature on lapras so body slam wont do much. Donphan and jolteon are decent enough for ingame opponents, as is pigeot. I prefer a dif. type of blissey then you, and you ar'nt going anywhere by giving it egg bomb, as its attack sucks. i use:
Blissey bold@ leftovers(eps: 252hp, 252 Def, 6SpD)
seismic toss
portect/ thunder wave
My friend used it in a double battle along side his slaking and it lived!
Team 2:
Tyranitar is good depending on the ep sharing, as his SpA is decent enough to support being a mixed sweeper. Ice beam for grass and ground? And once again, chars attack isnt good enough to support a mixed sweeper, especially with a modest nature. but like before, it is limited. Dragonite and jolteon are good and if you want good coming out of lapras' body slam, you better have some eps in attack. Jumpluff is pretty good, but i wouldnt use giga drain. maybe sunny day for synthesis or protect.
Aerial Ace might have been a better choice for Jumpluff instead of Giga Drain so you can actually do something to Grass opponents...

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Adamant / Lonely Nature
- Swords Dance / Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower

Go for Lonely if you want to use Flamethrower. Otherwise go for Fire Blast. Anyway the fire moves are only there just because Charizard gets STAB and helps take out physical walls who would otherwise wall it.

Pidgeot@Choice Band
Jolly Nature
- Aerial Ace
- Steel Wing
- Return
- Quick Attack

There are better Normal / Flying Choice Banders out there, but he'll do fine.

Modest Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- T-Bolt
- Rest

Decent water type that is probably one of the few things that can take on Calm Mind Suicune. Water Absorb is the prefered trait, but Battle Armor's fine as well.

Jolteon@lefties / Petaya Berry
Timid Nature
- T-Bolt
- Agility
- Baton Pass
- Substitute / Bite / HP [Ice / Grass]

Jolteon doesn't really work that well ingame.

Bold Nature
- Softboiled
- Aromatherapy / Heal Bell
- Seismic Toss
- T-Wave / Ice Beam

Standard Blissey set. With max HP and Def EVs and a Bold Nature Blissey can take unboosted Focus Punches and Explosions and still barely survive. Not that you should be leaving it out on a physical sweeper. Calm Mind Blissey works better ingame.

Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Softboiled
- Ice Beam
- T-Bolt

Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Rest
- Counter

A very good physical wall, and works even better in the metagame with Rapid Spin. Not that he's not useful ingame.

Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Taunt / Substitute / T-Wave

DDtar is an absolute monster. Taunt, Sub and T-Wave screw up your opponent's attempts to cripple you while you stat up with Dragon Dances. Once you have two or three Dragon Dances under your belt, it's ready to roll.

Timid / Jolly Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Encore / Giga Drain / Aerial Ace

Aerial Ace would be more useful since it can deal with Grass types who are otherwise immune to Subseeding. An inferior Sceptile I might say, but it still works, so try it out.

Quiet Nature
- T-Bolt / Flamethrower
- Ice Beam / Dragon Claw
- Substitute
- Focus Punch

Subpuncher. FlameClaw hits everything for neutral damage, and BoltBeam hits more things for super effectives, but doesn't really kill Magneton, Lanturn and Shedinja. Both combos are good, so pick which one you like. If you want something different you could always try out the Dragon Dancer set.

Lonely Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Thunder / T-Bolt / Ice Beam

Though you don't really need one considering that you have a Dragon Dancer in your team already.